View Full Version : Muscle Pain and Weakness

20-07-08, 14:10
Hi Everyone

I just wanted to know about Muscle pain and Muscle weakness when suffering from anxiety.

About 3 months ago i started to get dizzy, so i started to google and came up with Brain Tumors and MS, which resulted in alot of nervousness and worry.

My normal Dr wasnt available so i saw another who said i had a viral infection of the inner ear called Labrynthitis. After a week there was no improvment in my dizzyness so i became anxious again, and then started to get muscle twitches and leg jerking, which made me worry even more.

After seeing my normal Dr he confirmed Labs..... but i also wanted an MRI to rule out a tumor or ms. While waiting for the MRI, my left arm started to feel weak .....like a detatched, light and airy feeling so i googled more and came up with ALS/MND, which made me feel so sick.

I had the MRI 3 Weeks after the dizzyness started and all came back fine. I then expected all my symptoms to fade away, but the twitching and weak funny feeling arm still continuted, so i started to worry about ALS/MND.

Saw my DR a few days later, who did an Examination and found no signs of ALD/MND and said it was all anxiety. This was 2 months ago.

So then i waited for my symptoms to pass - both the twitching, and dizzyness, but then 2 weeks later i started to feel a dull ache type of pain in my left sholder and inside my upper arm at around the bicep area..... although im not sure if its the muscle thats hurting or something else. It doesnt hurt all the time, Just sometimes when i use it, like using the computer or opening a door..... or at times it can start to ache while at rest.

At this time i could also feel a bit of pain in my wrist and my index finger felt a little bruised when i made a fist.

I told the drs all of this 6 weeks ago and none of them seem to be too fussed about it. One dr said a touch of Arthritis..... the other said a bit of Fibromayliga ...eventhough i have no tender spots.

Then last week ive seen 3 different doctors. Ive had arm ultrasound and xrays and found nothing wrong. Ive told them about my worry of ALS/MND and they all say no.

For the past 2 weeks my left hand and wrist feels weak. Something just doesnt feel right about it. Im not dropping anything and my grip is fine.... but it all just feels weird and different.

My fingers and wrist feel stiff. When i use my hand.... i can feel the strain in the muscles in my arm and around the wrist.

Now for my question:

Do my later symptoms with the dull ache pain and weakness in arm and hand seem like Anxiety? Is this normal for most people who suffer anxiety and is it normal for it to last so long ?

Im so sick and tired of going to the doctors and i feel like im going insane. Ive tried so hard to relax but this weakness is scaring me.

Sorry for the long thread. But any help or advice would be appreciated


20-07-08, 15:43
My anxiety and later panic all started I feel from a viral infection I had. Similar to yourself I was really worried because my balance was all off and I felt weak. It was something I couldn't shake and lost over a stone in weight over the course of a few months. When people started to comment on my weight it made me paranoid and I think the accumulation of it all led to my first panic attack just over 3 years ago.

Some of the later symptoms you mention do ring a bell with me but maybe not exactly the same. For instance I defintely have problems with my fingers as if I can't move them as freely as I used to. A few times when I have been cutting something with a knife it's felt like my hand was going to lock. I do have stiffness in my arms too and sometimes pains in various areas. I've not had any dull aches other than one in my left calve which occurs now and again- more discomfort than pain.

I was convinced and maybe still am that it was coming from my back. A few years back I tore the muscles between my shoulder blades and I attribute alot of the stuff to that. Also my posture is not good and I don't get enough exercise so I've come to expect some of this could be my own doing.

I know this is not of much use to you but just wanted you to know that I at least have similar symptoms. One other thing I have noticed though is that I have a tendancy through my anxiety to bring about certain sensations. For example sometimes I get sore fingers and have been unaware that for half an hour before it I was sitting with those fingers pushed into the side of my face- so my wife tells me. I also have a tendacy to sit in bad postures which doesn't help. The reason I mention this is just in case there is something you are unaware of that may be aiding these sensations.

All the best
