View Full Version : Very very very high state of panic now

20-07-08, 23:10
Hi guys can anyone help ? Last year i was at accident and emergency 20 times thinkin i was having heart problems i was dismissed the same day with dr saying it was anxiety. It was always after a night out on the ale, my heart would race, pain in chest and feeling like i couldnt breathe all the time i would thik is this the one to finish me off.

This year i have stayed out of a and e its been tough though, tnow at this minute i panicking like never before, after a night on the ale i have been getting pains in my chest all day and tightness wheezy symptoms i am at the computer nowoverwhelmned with anxiety thinking, convinced i am about to have a heart attack, the anxiety is so badi rocking shaking my girlfriend can not calm me down. I an work tommmorow so dont want to go to a and e but terrified thats this one maybe genuine dont know what to do ytry and ignore it or go and get checked out. There is a voice in my head saying you have been hear before and you where ok but there is a counter argument saying these symptoms are a warning that u are about to have a heart attack just dont know what to do cant take feeling like this the anxiety is overwhelming , but do i have a eason to fear i dont know. Feel like i going mad

20-07-08, 23:17
Hey Brother, Been there before many times....you got to chill out on the ale and get some sleep....many times after a night of drinking you wake up early and you get anxious..and feel full of energy...all your symptoms are just a product of an overactive nervous system...the chest pain, light headed etc etc...you're gonna be fine I promise... Bruce

20-07-08, 23:23
thanks bruce i just dont know what to believe my symptoms are screaming hospital a and e u in danger but everyone else is saying chill they are not life threatening its horrble. This anxiety has crippled me i used to be confident party animal now i dont want to drink coz i feel like this. Do u really think i will be ok ? do u suffer like this after a drink ?? by the way i from liverpool

many thanks

Cathy V
20-07-08, 23:34
Hi pele, if this started this morning then i think if it meant you were going to have a heart attack it would have happened by now. I have heart phobia too..ectopics are a pain in the backside. your body is recovering from excess alcohol in your system...something youve experienced before as you say. Listen to your girlfirend... you'll feel better tomorrow.

Take care
Cathy xxx

20-07-08, 23:35
hi pele

I also feel very anxious the day after a few too many tipples. Right, first things first..do you feel exactly the same symptoms as before? if so, then its exactly what a & e told you, just panic!!!
panic is a evil demon that mimics terrible conditions ie, heart, stroke etc.
The more worried you become the stronger it convinces you that this times it must be for real!!!!

You need to get a glass of cold water and sip it slowly. Then lay on your back and place your hand on your tummy just below your belly button, slow your breathing and keeping your hand in place, breathe untill you can feel your hand rising and falling with each breath.

Then you are breathing normally and you will fing yourself feeling clamer and calmer.

Please give this a try..panic cannot KILL YOU. luv tracie xx

21-07-08, 00:00
Thanks cathy and tracie having a real ding dong battle in my mind will be up all night i think, the symptoms are similiar pain in my chest etc disorienatation dizzy off the record i am burping a lot which could explain the chest pain, still scared i going to die from this wish i had a dr who could give me a ecg and clam my mind.

21-07-08, 00:09
Sweetheart you dont need another ecg im sure.
sounds to me like you have been swallowing air all day, working yourself up into a frenzy.

Please try the breathing exercise and take a rennie for the wind.

good luck xx

21-07-08, 02:56
Hope you are feeling better now. I had a similar thing happen earlier. I have also been to the ER so many times sure that I was having a heart attack, I would even take an aspirin just in case. I have been kept overnight twice because I had my heart rate up so much and my tropin level was also raised so it had appeared like something was happening. However after many many tests it was all chalked up to anxiety. I couldnt believe it. I still cant at times. It really is hard to determine what is real and what isnt anymore. Heart attacks are defintely painful enough(from what I witnessed with my dad) that you will know the difference. I just need to try and remember that as well when I am freaking out. Breathing and relaxation techniques will help. Also do whatever possible to take your mind of it, go for a run, or have a hot shower, anything at all to break the cycle of worrying.
Hope you are well.

lou lou
21-07-08, 20:33
Hi Pele,
Your symptoms sound exactly the same as mine, & i mean word for word, everytime it happens i think is this the one?
I usually try distraction (games console, book) i've been to a & e so many times & i'm always worse after a drink (so much so i stopped drinking for nearly 6 months) i used to be lively happy louise now i'm a shadow of my former self.
i am now in the midst of learning to cope with my panic attacks.
Alcohol always makes it worse, i hope you feel better soon
Take care

21-07-08, 23:08
Thanks guys seriously thanks it helps knowing there are others out there. I don't know what to believe i was told once that my ck's where raised but this could be due to the fact that i train in the gym a lot. I just don't think the dr's are sure hemselves what is anxiety and what is true heart problems and there is a fine line. I started gettin all these symptoms after a real heart scare which according tthem did not damage my heart yet i have had atrail and ventriculer eptopics (which u get after a heart attack) a unusually slow heart and a fast heart rate along with chest pain circulation problems. I hate to say this but i believe there are plenty of individuals walkin around with damaged hearts that have been fobbed off by dr's with anxiety i hope i am wrong i really do but it makes no sense.

22-07-08, 15:34
Hi Pele

Maybe you should consider cutting down on drink as alcohol is a depressant and will increase your anx symptoms.

I have really cut down on mine and then at the weekend had an absolute skinful and felt anxious and down, it was awful.

Take care hun :hugs:

Jo xxxxx

23-07-08, 19:41
:( im sorry to hear about your troubles,

i to suffer with these horrible heart palpitations,and i think A lot of People misunderstand them, Like me, im slowly coming to terms with the fact they are part of my Life bt only for the Minute,
i have had two emergency hospital rushes all resulting in Nothing, and countless visits to the dr's who again anger me by telling me its anxiety, I think How can it be

i have weird heart beats, headrush's dizzyness and pains, sumtimes feelings that my heart has stopped in which i check my Pulese to reasure Myself :(

its horrible but im now taking

magnesium and fish oil supplements as apprently this is healthy for the heart, and fish oils thin the blood which in Can Alter the palps, we will soon see

i have been assured i wont die soo i jst deal with them

24-07-08, 02:49
Just relax as all have said, sounds like you had the answer to your own issue. Time to stop drinking. I enjoy a drink like the next man but when it causes this type of issue with your mental health then it has become a problem you need to deal with most likely by eliminating the seemingly obvious source Beer! Hang in there relax goto bed wake up and take a deep breath or worry free air!

24-07-08, 03:30
Do you only get these anxiety attacks after you've been on the ale?
It may be that you simply have a bad reaction to alcohol.
If so, the answer seems obvious. Stop drinking and see if your PA's stop.

24-07-08, 04:07
I am up awake at 3.50 in morn due to stupid panic attacks,which are really gettin on my nerves. Also went to a&e few months ago now thinkin i was havin a heart attack........but told it was panic attacks.
Went to docs bout 4 weeks ago cause i am constantly gettin them he put me on beta blockers.......Stoped takin them cause i was always feelin sick and bein sick noy good.
Goin to make another appointment cause its gettin me down.
The symptons i get are : numbness to head,headaches,sweatin,shakes,tight throat,hard to swallow,clenching of teeth,ringin in ears,tightness and pains in chest,feelin and bein sick,goin to the toilet frequantly both ways,belching alot,tinggling in fingers........And my thoughts are i'm goin to die....Even though i know i'm not.
Also i started to get them after a night on the beer wake up the next day after drinkin day gone by early evenin comes and bang they come...so stopped drinkin alcohol. But now they just come for the sake of it.......But doc did tell me if i make another appointment i will have to see a therapist....Which is a good thing.
So my advice to you will be lay of the booze and go see ya doctor. Be strong you,me and many others out there will get through this....will not last forever.....AND NOTHIN BAD WILL HAPPEN!!!! Breath in slow from ya nose to abdomon and out slow from ya mouth and relax ya body and think nice thoughts and just go with the flow.... Good luck :-)