View Full Version : Hi!

3DG Fangirl
21-07-08, 00:45
Hi! :) My name is India, I'm 14 years old, and I think I have GAD; I have almost all of the symptoms. I am a very shy person, and I hate being in big crowds, or even going places where there's a small amount of people there (if that makes sense =P) I've read a few books about it, but they didn't help much. From what it sounds like, if you have GAD, you usually put yourself down a lot. I think it's weird, because I don't. I'm not exactly sure what I have, but just the idea of being in a place with a lot of people scares me. I don't know if this helps, but I have a few specific phobias: a fear of bees (my mother is deathly allergic to them), heights, and, for some reason, being upside-down just scares the heck out of me. :shrug: So, if anyone can help, that would be greatly appreciated. :D

21-07-08, 06:12
Welcome! Have you seen your doctor at all for this? That would likely be the best first step for you. This is a wonderful site and I hope you find it useful.

Veronica H
21-07-08, 11:17
Hi India
There are many people of your age who feel as you do. My son hated being in any sort of crowd at 14. He also found talking in a group difficult, prefering to chat with one or two friends. He also developed a wasp phobia for a while. This was because he was generally feeling anxious about all of the changes physical and academic that you have to deal with at 14.You are doing the right thing to talk to others about how you are feeling. Can you talk to your family? My son is now a confident 16 year old, but he achieved this in small steps. One thing that really helped him was joining a Jitsu martial arts class. This gave him confidence because being in a group where everyone was learning something new was much easier than feeling that he was the centre of attention. He made some good friends there too.
Love and best wishes
Veronica H

21-07-08, 12:09
Hello India And Welcome To The Site... Sounds Like You Might Just Have Some Phobias...that You Can Address To Your Doctor About Look On The Forum Under Phobias.....i Wish Ya Well.......linda

21-07-08, 15:47
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

21-07-08, 15:59
Hi India,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


21-07-08, 17:52
Hello India

:welcome: to the site I am sure you will get lots of good advise and support on here

Take care


milly jones
21-07-08, 19:30
hi india

i think sometimes it takes a while to get a formal diagnosis, and even then its not always clear cut, as were all so different

one thing i do know, is thast u will get support here at nmp


milly xx

21-07-08, 21:05
Hi India

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help