View Full Version : The Panic Tree

21-07-08, 01:50
The Roots

Stress caused by pressures at home or at work in a job we hate.
Or due to a constant fear we can't stop thinking about, perhaps caused by a bad experience.

The Trunk

Feeling trapped and unable to escape our stresses.

The Branches

The anxiety symptoms (our panics) caused by our feelings of being trapped by our stresses.

The Leaves

Our fear that our symptoms maybe more than just anxiety.

The Autumn

Our leaves (our fears) fall to the ground and are absorbed by our roots creating More Stress which makes the process constantly repeat in a vicious yearly cycle.

How do we break the cycle?

Look at your roots and make changes to them to ease your stresses so that your tree remains a sapling and is prevented from becoming a big oak tree growing out of control.

Meds might slow its growth but they can't reduce its size because they can't stop the causes to our fears because the only long term effective way is to look at your options to tackle the roots to prevent your panic trees growth.:hugs:

milly jones
21-07-08, 20:43
im aware that the stressors in my life need to be changed in order for me to be fully able to live my life.

changing jobs or a relationship is a huge decision, but how ill do u have to get before u realise? the more ill u get the more stuck u become and it becomes impossible to leave, impossible to take chances and make decisions. u become more dependant on keeping things stable for others, without meeting ur own needs. eventually u do not have a personality, u just depend on others to keep u going. u feel nothing, just numb to the world.

taking a step out of these stressors allows u the liberty to view life thru new lenses and u can see what u are missing in the rest of the world.

it takes courage to make these changes

help us all be brave enough to face our fears and make changes for the better

milly xxxx

21-07-08, 22:47
realy enjoyed reading panic tree thankyou and milly enjoyed reading wat you wrote 2 thanks xxtc xxall makes alot sence x