View Full Version : Lower Leg Pains anyone?

Adam Thompson
21-07-08, 14:24
Has anyone ever had calf/ankle pain, and/or foot tingling/numbness?

my left calf started about a week n a half ago, it hurts more when walking and varies from calf to ankle & had some foot numbness/tingling.

on and off my right leg has been the same but the left is constatnt 24/7

i went ti a&e a few days ago (fearing dvt/clot)
doc said she couldnt see any signs of it being that.

thing is ive always had back/chest pains with anxiety and am wondering i its poss for the legs to be affected like that?


21-07-08, 14:27
Have you got tight calf muscles? I have and that causes tingling in my heels. Some stretching should sort it out.

My problem is with my thighs at the moment, they hurt when I walk and the muscles relaly feel like they're pulling.

21-07-08, 14:31
I know how you feel I have been getting tight and painful calf muscles to. I have been rubbing deep heat cream into them.

Hope yours are better soon.

Take Care,

Love Pip's X

21-07-08, 19:24
I get loads of pains in my legs....in particular my lower legs. Some days they just ache and it goes on for ages. I have bad posture and my doctor thinks it has something to do with this and also because I sit at a desk all day and probably dont get enough exercise!

22-07-08, 08:49
I sit at a desk all day and my legs really ache. Presumibly because I don't exercise them enough? I have terrible posture too and get shoulder and back ache as well.

Adam Thompson
06-08-08, 19:24
well ive started gerring numnb hands now to go with the calves and am to be tested for diabetes/ms etc
great lol

06-08-08, 21:34
I used to get calf pain in my left leg when I used to work a few years back- like precious78. I also think in some cases like my own it is as much to do with posture as anxiety. If via your posture or some other means you get back pain then usually you get pains or numbness in the limbs too.

I hope though your tests all come back OK.

All the best


06-08-08, 22:55
seroquel causes leg sensations.