View Full Version : The drugs don't work!!!

21-07-08, 18:01
Any one on here had problems with citalopram making their depression and anxiety worse, and I mean after being on them for quite a while. Ten weeks plus?




21-07-08, 18:48
Hi sunbeam

I was on these meds and i was worse for about 2 or 3 weeks. Any longer than that and i would have thought they may not be suitable for you. Perhaps it's worth having another chat to your doc :)

Sorry not much help i know:blush:

milly jones
21-07-08, 19:19
its taken time for me to feel the full effect of citalopram.

i take them for dep and anx. as the dose has been upped over the past 3 months the effect has been more desirable.

i was upped again this week, and my anx has increased with several pas again, but i needed to control the lows too.

hopefully once these settle then the balance will be just right.

all the way thru this ive met weekly with the hosp and gp to ensure that everyone is aware of my needs

milly xxxx

25-07-08, 16:49
Hi - I was on citalopram for two years... it was great for the anxiety and panic but not so great for the depression. It did help the depression, but not enough sadly. But when it comes to meds, everyone is so different. If this isn't working for you, there are many other meds out there that are good! Unfortunately it is trial and error... what works great for one person might not work too well for another. But over the years I've been on different meds that have really helped!!!! :) It's good you are keeping in touch with your doctor about this!!!! Good luck!!!

26-07-08, 16:29
they made me crazy, got paranoid and couldnt leave my bedroom! i came off it straight way, it wasn't worth it for me. maybe change the meds? they might just not be right for you.

26-07-08, 16:44
I was originally prescribed Citalopram, but I did some research and didn't like the possible side-effects (insomnia, fatigue, loss of libido, impotence (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erectile_dysfunction) and ejaculatory (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ejaculation) problems in males - inability to orgasm for females) so I asked my GP for something different, and he changed my prescription to Mirtazapine.