View Full Version : Crazy Symptoms

29-04-05, 03:35
Well, hi everyone! I just wanted to see if these symptoms sound crazy to anyone. I was sitting in my room two years ago listening to music and all of a sudden i felt this weird rush type of buzz feeling in my brain,
and i got up and ran around the room because i didn't know what was happening, to tell you the truth i thought i was dying. But anyway, Ever since then i have felt these crazy symptoms everyday, I feel so out of body like im not coordinating my body and i get these headaches that dont feel like they used to. My vision is the weirdest because when i look at things everything looks like it is popping out at me, like a 3d image. Take for instance yesterday, I was looking at a group of trees and they were bunched together but one stood out to me and the others were way back, and that's how i see things. And my eyes strain and feel like they are going cross, it's just weird because it happened again to me tonight for the second time. I went to the doctor and had a MRI because i thought it might of been a brain tumor from the symptoms i read but they found nothing. So i don't know what it is but i never have any relief and i always feel like this 24/7! It is messing with me all the time and this isn't quality of life...lol Can any of you help me?

29-04-05, 09:34
Dustin. hi there. Not being funny but have you had your eyes tested?My 19 year old daughter was just complaing of the same think as you yesterday..But the doctor told her it was some kind o tention headahe Ah but she didnt have a sore head. They asked her if she was on any type of mediction.. Are you? As they say it might be a side affecct. But she isint on ant think. I will keep you informed when we find out ok.

Frances Gill
Love & Respect to you all...

29-04-05, 15:33
Hi Dustin,

Good idea about having your eyes tested..

Do you still manage to go about your business every day and
have you used recreational drugs or use a computer screen for long period sat a time ?

Have you ever tried meditation or another form of deep relaxation ?


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

29-04-05, 15:58
Doing some relaxation tapes would probably really help you..:D

29-04-05, 16:43
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Dustin. hi there. Not being funny but have you had your eyes tested?My 19 year old daughter was just complaing of the same think as you yesterday..But the doctor told her it was some kind o tention headahe Ah but she didnt have a sore head. They asked her if she was on any type of mediction.. Are you? As they say it might be a side affecct. But she isint on ant think. I will keep you informed when we find out ok.

Frances Gill
Love & Respect to you all...

<div align="right">Originally posted by fran1888 - 29 April 2005 : 09:34:13</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote"> Okay, Thanks Frances ummm i am not on any meds at this time but i was adhd since i was 5 and they took me off 2 years ago a couple of months before this freaky stuff happened and then they put me back on it but it never helped these symptoms any.

29-04-05, 16:47
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Dustin,

Good idea about having your eyes tested..

Do you still manage to go about your business every day and
have you used recreational drugs or use a computer screen for long period sat a time ?

Have you ever tried meditation or another form of deep relaxation ?


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

<div align="right">Originally posted by Meg - 29 April 2005 : 15:33:26</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote"> Yeah Meg, It is so hard to do the things i need to but i do them and umm about getting the eyes tested i will schedule an appointment. Yes i was on adderall, concerta and rittilin - all 3 at different ages of my life. Yes, i am on the computer looking at the screen
for about 9-12 hours a day and i do not take a break except to eat because this is where i work, on my computer. But please give me some more feedback i wanna know about this computer screen thing! Thanks

29-04-05, 17:37
Hi Dustin,

So are you on any meds at present ?

Do you think you are still having an issue with ADHD - sounds like you can concentrate pretty well on computer stuff.

When you're looking at a screen all day the muscles in the eye that you use when you look at far distances do not get used and can get lazy and the ones used for close work get strained. Worth getting them checked especially as you have associated headaches .

Make sure you take lots of breaks and get out in the natural light and walk around.

Also, are you getting enough exercise and a good diet ?

Let us know how you're doing


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

29-04-05, 19:56
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi Dustin,

So are you on any meds at present ?

Do you think you are still having an issue with ADHD - sounds like you can concentrate pretty well on computer stuff.

When you're looking at a screen all day the muscles in the eye that you use when you look at far distances do not get used and can get lazy and the ones used for close work get strained. Worth getting them checked especially as you have associated headaches .

Make sure you take lots of breaks and get out in the natural light and walk around.

Also, are you getting enough exercise and a good diet ?

Let us know how you're doing


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

<div align="right">Originally posted by Meg - 29 April 2005 : 17:37:55</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote"> I'm not on any meds and haven't been since they took me off and a couple months later this all happened, as far as exercise i go to courtsouth twice a week to workout and No i don't have a issue with ADHD anymore :D

02-05-05, 12:01
Hi Dustin,
I just wanted to try to reassure you because the buzz type feeling in your brain you describe sounds similar to what happens to me. Does it effect your hearing? My ears sometimes feel like they are under pressure. I also get distorted vision- its not the same as yours- more blurry- but i guess it could all be caused by the same thing and it effects people in different ways. I get strange headaches too-i seem to get them almost every day.
I know i probably havent been much help because i am stil suffering from this so dont really know how best to stop it but i just wanted you to know that other people are going through the same thing you are and you are not alone.
Take care
Em x