View Full Version : seperation anxiety again

21-07-08, 20:44
My husband started a new job today and i had just got used to him being able to work from home for several months, his work has always involved some degree of being away from home and i have always struggled with being alone but now he is out of the house everyday aswell as having some travelling away in the near future, the anxiety has reared its ugly head big time and i am fighting the awful feelings and fear of lonliness. I can see my mum but if she cannot be around at any time then i panic even more and feel like i am going to go mad.My parents may be going away soon and if my husband has to be away on business at the same time i do not know how i will cope and i feel like my heads going to explode with worry. I wish that i had someone that i could talk to when this happens to me but i do not have anyone that would understand and i would be too embarrassed to admit this to most people.. I always thought that seperation anxiety was something that just children experienced so i have always been too embarrased to tell anyone about it and thought that i was the only one living in my own little hell... I wonder if anyone else feels like i do and if so could we support each other......

21-07-08, 21:02
hi honey bee
i wave my wife and children off to work,and if i am not working that day,often break down with crippling anxiety and worry that i will never see them again.my stomach churns with the worry.it can be traced to when i was a boy and my mother was diagnosed as terminally ill,i only found out because they said prayers for her at church and that meant someone was in deep trouble.happily she lives today,but the nights spent weeping myself to sleep as a boy were very lonely.i know the rational,but am led by the emotional and the thought of losing my utterly belocved family can reduce me to tears at any point.even walking in to my girls bedroom and seeing their toys,so innocent,so beautiful can do the same.i am no longer embarrased by my feelings,but i do know they are out of proportion to the real life dangers we all face.when they are away you would think that i would take the time to rest,party,whatever ......but when they in transit on the way home i am in agony til that sound of the car pulling in.sometimes i can get very angry with them if they are late purely as i have started to visualise accidents or something other taking them away from me.honey you are not alone,if you want someone to tell your worries too,i check my pms each day and recognise much of what you say.no worries if you dont wish to correspond with a 6ft tattooed punk! an ocean of love and reassurance
keep safe
ade x:)

21-07-08, 21:11

I feel the same as both of you. I hate my hubby going to work as he travels sometimes and the fear of him being in an accident is overwhelming. I worry about my kids being hurt or taken by someone. I'm glad its not just me that feels like this.

mf, does your husband know how you feel? Mine is aware of my feelings and he makes sure he doesnt throw in any surprises, such as being late home without letting me know. I have had to stay at my mums when he has worked away before, but I had no alternative. No way I could be at home alone.
Dont worry about feeling like this, I'm sure there are more of us out there.
PM anytime,
Love Moo x