View Full Version : looking for answers....

21-07-08, 21:13
My names sue, i,m of the older generation, but have suffered many years on and off with agoraphobia, being only 25 yrs of age when i had the first panick attack in the street.have had help, over the years, and got it under control. untill 3 yrs ago, when sadly I lost 4 members of my family,all a little or above my age,and know its all returned with a vengence it seems, and I cant leave the house, back on diazapam.... trying to cope again...

21-07-08, 21:16
hi sue and welcome to nmp, agoraphobia is very common on here so u will get lots of help and advice. you will also meet new friends and everyone here is lovely so keep posting and we will do our best to help u hugs xxx

21-07-08, 21:18
Hi Sue

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

21-07-08, 22:45
Hi Sue,
Welcome to NMP

milly jones
21-07-08, 22:57
hi sue

im milly

welcome to nmp xxxx

22-07-08, 04:06
Hi Sue, NMP is great and there are lots of posts and help for agoraphobia. Hope you get to find your way around threads and make some new friends. Jesse

22-07-08, 06:39
:yesyes: Hiya Sue, a very warm http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a207/orwall/welcome1.gif to NMP.
Lovely you found us I'm sure you enjoy being a member here.

love http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a207/orwall/saxrotating.gif:shades:

22-07-08, 13:11
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

22-07-08, 13:14
hello sue and welcome to the site ,,,,,,wish ya well......linda

22-07-08, 14:27
Hi and welcome to NMP,

I hope you can get back to where you were again before your loss. It's always difficult when we fall straight back to the start again but please hold on to the knowledge that you have managed to get in control before and can do it again.

All the best


22-07-08, 14:50
Hi Sue,

Welcome to the site. I'm sorry for the loss of so many. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


22-07-08, 19:44
Hello Sue

:welcome: to the site I am sure you wil get lots of good advice and support on here.

Take care


23-07-08, 10:14
Hiya :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here.You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
Im sorry things are not good for you at the moment and i hope with the help of nmp you can start to improve things. Talking about your fears with other ppl who truly understand what its like can be so helpful so keep posting and we will help you as much as we can

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


23-07-08, 12:50
Hi Sue

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

27-04-10, 08:20
thankyou for your kind wishes and yes am learning slowly my way around here, so if i get it wrong bare with me. :) sue.