View Full Version : feeling of non-reality

sepo azul
29-04-05, 06:32
Since the age of seven I have been subject to a strange experience that, at the age of eleven, was diagnosed as petite mal seizures. Over the thirty two years since then I have been told by doctors and neurologists that I must have some form of epilepsy. I have had EEG, EKG, brain X-Ray, CAT Scans, etc but these have shown nothing wrong. My blood sugar, thyroid , etc have been checked.
It never occured to me to look into the possibility that these are panic attacks because I thought panic attacks were limited to extreme physical symptoms of fear. When I happened upon a link in an epilepsy site that said "feelings of unreality" it brought me to a panic attack page. Wow. It seems to me that I have found an answer at last. I am not yet fully convinced, but I hope that I soon will feel confident that these episodes are panic attacks. What do those of you who are knowledgeble about Panic Disorder think? I would be so happy to hear from anyone who has a similar experience- I have never known anyone who had any sort of "unreality" experience (outside of drug users). Here are my symptoms, as best as I can describe them: Foremost, a sudden feeling that nothing is real. I don't know what I am or what anything else is- yet I can fully function and no one around me has any idea something is going on, unless it gets bad and I freak out. I can look at a table and say "that's a table" but it doesn't mean anything to me. We take reality for granted, but when I have this experience- I don't! There is also a different perception of space around me- a difficult thing to describe, but something to do with dimension and/or light. I tend to want to get down on the ground, perhaps to hang on to the earth, although I am not able to do this because of fear. I'm sorry, this is HARD to describe. My fear symptoms, which match the panic attack symptoms with the exception of stomach problems, well, I've always thought they stemmed from the "unreality" feeling, but perhaps not. I have, on these occaisions, a terrifying feeling that I am going to die. Actually, that I am going to completely cease to exsist in any form. I do not experience any loss of consciousness (please forgive the spelling) or any stiffness in limbs. (Epilepsy symptoms). This experience comes "out of the blue" although there are definitely triggers and I have to be very brave not to avoid certain places and activities. Tiredness does seem to be a factor. Interestingly, I spent a year in Northern Europe and had not one attack the whole time. Soon after that I went to Alaska and had severe attacks many times a day. In Mexico /Guatemala for half a year, I had only about three attacks. This, and the fact that they seem to occur more in theSpring and Autumn, led me to consider that an allergy could be triggering attacks, although now I'm thinking probably not. Over my lifetime the frequency and intensity of these episodes hs varied quite a bit. They don't usually last more than a few minutes. I have awakened at night having this experience. When I was young I would grab my mother and scream for help, eventually I learned that egaging my mind could often help to "bring me back" and so I have trained my children to talk to me about something that will make me think. I also carry an interesting book with me if I walk anywhere. Thanks for your time, Sepo

29-04-05, 10:27
Hi Sepo

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I have never known anyone who had any sort of "unreality" experience (outside of drug users).</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Well you do now! I am certainly one of those!
What you described here are symptoms of depersonalisation &/or derealisation, 2 common conditions with anxiety. Aren't they horrible?

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"> a terrifying feeling that I am going to die.</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

You re not alone with this one, I cannot count how many times I felt that way, very scary isn't it?

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I can look at a table and say "that's a table" but it doesn't mean anything to me.</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I know exactly what you mean there, been there many times. There are other feelings that are very frightening too and similar, such as looking at myself in the mirror but actually not "feeling" me. ( Does that make any sense?).
And also the feeling that I am gonna be erased from existence any minute , I suppose it's a fear of "nothingness" , its difficult to describe indeed. (***Actually, that I am going to completely cease to exsist in any form.***)

You're surely not alone with this and wanted to let you know that.
Take care for now.

**A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.**

29-04-05, 11:10
I have that same 'unreality' experience. It is quite common amongst people with anxiety and panic attacks. There is nothing strange about the fact that you have this - it is very common and you have nothing to worry about..

Sarah :D

29-04-05, 15:03
Sepo azul,

You will not be the first person who had had a seizure label on them when really its status panicus - They can in extreme circumstances be quite similar and especially to someone whos not familiar with them.

Have a read through of these previous posts and draw your own conclusions

Depersonalization: D/Personalisation (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2304)
derealisation/depersonlisation (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2512)
Hi new member mom w/ panic and dp/dr (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1239)
Disassociation (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2732)
when will this feeling leave? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2971)

First Steps : First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Muscle pain : Fatigued Muscles (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2702)
Twitching: twitching (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3103)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

29-04-05, 18:02
Hello Sepo,

Im so glad you found us and have now got reasons for your feelings.

I have these very same feelings, sometimes constantly, other times in flashes. At first I was terrified and wodered what was happening to me. Then I found this site and all the wonderful people here.

I know that once you have read the posts that Meg suggested, you will no longer feel alone. We are all here to help you and support you.

Take care,

Jude x

Be gentle with yourself....you just need some time to heal.

sepo azul
29-04-05, 20:23
Thanks so much to all of you, and thanks especially to Nicole and the administrators of this site. Jude, Sarah, and Florence it is a huge comfort to me to read your words telling me that you have experienced much the same thing. I am still in a state of shock , as I have only had these new notions for a couple of days. I went (again, thank you) to the sites Meg linked- the Depersonalization site was especially relevant. It looks to me that I must have an extreme version of the Derealization version of Depersonalization Disorder! I remember using the Strange Planet (although it's really more like a strange dimension) and Endless Void descriptions when I tried to explain my experience to doctors as an eleven year old girl. The emphasis, in my awareness, is not so much on feeling seperate from reality, it's more a feeling that nothing exists and I am a part of that nothing. As a five year old I had a vision that two skeletons were in a cave, dreaming . One of them was dreaming my life- I was terrified it would wake up. I was not abused as a child, but somehow I aquired a terrible fear of death- which, I am thinking must have led to this condition. OOps, I'm late for work- sorry that I didn't search the site more before I posted to it- but after waiting a lifetime for answers I just couldn't wait any longer. Sepo (perhaps that should be Sepa- does anyone speak Spanish? :) )

29-04-05, 22:59
The azul bit is fine and a sapo I know, but not a sepo..

29-04-05, 23:00
I was also diagnosed with a mild seizure disorder in my early 20's. They are not the kind of "fall on the floor" kind of seizure, but rather the "spacing out" kind. I sometimes wonder how the anxiety and spacing out are related.

29-04-05, 23:16
Hi Azul

Hope Megs advice has helped you and shown you where to look on the site.

Welcome aboard mate.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

sepo azul
30-04-05, 02:34
Meg, sepo is the word for toad- but I wondered if a female sepo would be a sepa... I didn't think of this until after I chose the name- oh, well...

I don't describe my experience as spacing out, and I was just sitting here wondering why. I guess it is because my consciousness doesn't go elsewhere, it just doesn't understand what "here" is anymore. I would like to report that I glimpse beyond the illusion of reality, but I don't! I just see the "illusion" of reality and that is all I see.
I wonder if electrical impulses are misfiring in my brain, causing a very different perception of the world than my normal one. There is such a physical element to it when it happens- as physical as dizziness, or feeling faint, or having amnesia- and it is not like any of these. I read what others have posted on this site, and some of the descriptions ring true for me... I think it may take a while for me to be able to believe this could be panic disorder. I've been a bit of an emotional mess this past couple of days, since I stumbled upon the web site.

30-04-05, 09:46
I knew frog is sapo - didn't know the toad..

I'm sorry to hear you've *been a bit of an emotional mess since I stumbled upon the web site* . If its upsetting you, maybe stay away for a bit and let it all filter down and see how you feel later on about it all.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

sepo azul
02-05-05, 17:33
Meg, You have good advice. The thing is, I've had severe attacks, and quite often, for over thirty years... and if I had the sort of personality where I could stay away from this site and calm myself for a while I probably wouldn't have these problems to begin with. (Laughs). I'm too excited about finding some answers here to stay away, and I'm starving for the sort of warm understanding that is found here. It's natural for me to be a bit emotional under the circumstances, but I'm not out of control.
I know this string is getting a bit old, but if anyone that reads this knows of a doctor on line that will answer questions about PD- I live in a poor part of the USA and currently can't afford a doctor or therapy (no medical insurance).
Warm Thoughts, Sepo

02-05-05, 17:41
hello Sepo,

Sepo is also the word for a female toad - sepa doesn't exist (I speak Spanish)

Sorry to hear that you don't have medical insurance. We are lucky here in the UK that the healthcare is free for all (though I'm American really). Hope you get something sorted out soon.

Sarah :D

sepo azul
02-05-05, 18:13
Well, it's good to know, then, that I don't need to change my user name. [^]

Yes, there's a lot to be said for socialized medicine. A huge amount of people in Montana (that's where I live) don't have health insurance. It is just financially out of reach. Awful things happen to people- they lose their homes, etc. Very sad. But it's so beautiful here in the mountains- and that's good for the health, anyway.
