View Full Version : panic attack monstor

22-07-08, 04:28

So what is the secret to over-coming anxiety panic attacks agoraphobia?
what is the secret to over-coming being alone in your house when PAM comes a knocking PAM= panic attack monstor:)
In fact what is the secret to over-coming any fear that we may have???

I write as someone who could not leave the house for a year
I write as someone who had social phobia
I write as someone who had panic attacks all day everyday

I write as someone who lost his youngest brother in 2000, his father in 2002, his long term partner in 2003, access to his son because my ex thought my panic attacks would affect him and my mum dying in front of me of cancer in oct 2007.

Yet here I am still standing and doing well:yesyes:

I am getting out
I am driving again
I stay a lone

So whats the secret?

Now from time to time I quote my faith but I'm not going to do that but I will say it does help.
But the key is to face the fear.

Do you remember that old saying "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" Well there is some truth in that saying because when we listen to that voice in our head telling us we cant do, then you can be sure we wont do it.
All I did was use the advice from this site and put it into practice. It was step by step and there was no short cuts. Oh I have broke down in tears and fled home in a panic. I have ran out of shops and sat outside hospital just in case I was going to die. I have my own seat at my doctors and I was sure they where going to put my name on it:doh:

I had many set-backs and many times I thought I could not do it.

I want first of all say thank you to those who run this site because it has been such a support and I KNOW without it I may not be where I am to day. I also want to encourage you, yes you who is reading this that you will overcome the very thing thats holding you back...

Yes there will be days where you just manage to get out of bed
Yes there will be days where you cant face the world

BUT there will be days where you can and thats the days you build on but even when you dont feel like it, do it.....

I still get the odd day were PAM tries to rear its ugly head but I wont let it win.

WE EACH DO OUR BEST EACH DAY:hugs: and I truly send my love to each one of you because I feel that love and support from you


22-07-08, 04:34
Wow what a thoughful post! Thanks for sharing your story.....there is hope!

So sorry for all the loss in your life but I am so pleased that you are able to move on...

Thanks for the encouragement!

22-07-08, 10:29
Hi Kev,

Its lovely to hear such a positive post, especially after all the difficult times you have been through.
Thankyou for sharing this with us, it even gives me some hope that there is light at the end of this long dark tunnel.

Thankyou again

22-07-08, 11:28
hi kev
thanks for that post. . .
sometimes you just need to hear posative things like that

22-07-08, 12:16
hi kev
just read your post and i think its lovely, its nice to know that people do overcome this horrible thing, and it really sounds like you deserve it to after all the horrible things you have had to deal with.
its also lovely to know that your still about to pass on your advice to everyone else.

take care :hugs:

jenny xxxxxxxxxxx

23-07-08, 21:16
:D Hi you are a great man, who has helped me too.

Since finding this site my attacks have almost disappeared and yourself saying a prayer for me after my health scare earlier this year.

Well done to you and your courage at getting over all your misfortunes.:bighug1:

Take care
Mandy xx

23-07-08, 22:38
Hi Kev,

Great post there. I never tire of reading from people who have managed to regain their footing. It's really great to hear and it sounds like you are going from strangth to strength.

All the best
