View Full Version : a question about my symptoms

22-07-08, 05:13

About 3 monoths ago I began to feel dizzy after I had a mild panic episode that I was able to stop by going to the gym and sweating it out. Shortly afterward, along with the dizziness came some tingling (which really scared me) and then came the involuntary muscle spasms and sometime jerky movements of my hands (ex. my fingers will suddenly move on their own) and some blurred vision. All of these symptoms would come and go throughout the day and sometimes they wouldnt appear for as long as half a day or more. During this time I thought I had MS or fibromyalgia, although I had an MRI that came back with no indication of anything.

Two weeks ago, after the mounting worry over my possible MS/Fibro and the symptoms not going away, I had a break down and had several panic attacks one after another. I went to see a psychiatist and was proscribed Zoloft and Klonopin(sp) for sleeping at night.

I am now thinking that all of the sympoms I had before the ultimate breakdown were from anxiety/panic. Does that sound right? Is it normal for the sympotms to cycle like my did? I am still expereincing some of the symptoms (blurred vision every now and then and some muscle spasms) is that normal too?

Any advise or words of encouragement would be great!

