View Full Version : can any one help

22-07-08, 07:52
can anyone tell me please what beta blockers are i was talking to a neighbour the other day and she use to get anxiety and panic attacks and doc gave her beta blockers and u should see her now you would never now she had them outgoing jolly and chatty. any help would be great if there is any one on them i would be very interested to know how they work as trying to sort mine out as i have had enough and i have taken just about everything else just wondered if these would be a better option thank you

22-07-08, 08:39

some good info about them

22-07-08, 09:05
They slow the heart rate down, and lower blood pressure. I have an emergency supply for meeting's etc, so they just take the edge off the physical symptoms.

They do not actually work like an SSRI or anti-depressant, so have no "feel good" properties, and taking them long term can make you lethargic.

Best to talk to your GP to see if he/she thinks they would suit you.

Good luck


22-07-08, 09:11
I was on beta blockers for bad palpitations, just one tablet once a day, they really helped to ease my palpitations, but i didnt know that they helped with anxiety and panic attacks, lol maybe i need to go back to my doc and get some more

22-07-08, 11:11
thanks guys i didnt realise they could be used for this either hence y i asked but palpatations and high blood pressure is what i need to get down so these sound like the right thing back to docs i think thanks again guys