View Full Version : swelling around ankle

22-07-08, 09:51
Hi there,

i've noticed i have swelling below each ankle bone (on outside of leg). Its soft and puffy. Thinking about it they have been there for sometime, but never really given it a second thought until now:huh: . So now i don't know if its normal or not and have decided it must be kidney or heart failure:ohmy:

anyone else?

love anx xx

tayside lassie
22-07-08, 10:00
hiya anxious ...LOL... :D im as bad as you always my first thought kidney/heart if any thing is out of normal with me ...anyway my niece is diabetic with mild h.b.p she suffers with bad swollen ankles and feet her doc said we have something (cant remember what its called ) that runs up back or side of leg and this is was causes swollen ankles and apparently docs are not concerned with mild swelling around ankles ...but if like me you will let it worry you silly pop in and let your doc have a look ....


22-07-08, 15:59
Hi Hunny
How are u?? I just wanted to say i have this on my ankles---to be honest i have never given it much thought and i have had it for quite a while now!!
Hope this helps to put your mind at rest.
Thanks again for all the support you gave me in my darkest days.xx

29-07-08, 13:05
Hi there

I have this every day because I sit in the one place pretty much all day and the fluid around my ankle doesn't have a chance to circulate properly.

If I am feeling anxious about it my head always go straight to congestive heart failure even though I know it isn't. I spoke to my cardiologist about it and he said not to worry because mine goes down overnight or when I put my feet up.

Alot of people get it if they are retaining too much fluid. You should speak to your dr about a diaretic.

29-07-08, 13:22
Guys if it is on both side this is just fluid retention which collects in your peripheries (your ankles, furthest point away from your heart) very normal especially in the hit weather

30-07-08, 13:20
funny you should mention that. i was noticeing that the other day and was a bit concerned. but i guess its normal

01-08-08, 18:49
I know how you feel hun. When the weather has been hot i have noticed that my ankles swell and it has been worrying me a lot. They were fine in the morning but as the day went on they became more and more swollen. Then the following morning they were normal again. Then, as the weather stayed hot, they were staying swollen when i got up too which worried me even more. It went off as the weather got cooler. However, now i am scared to death again as i have just been away and they have got really bad. Yesterday was the worst, it has been hot and humid though, and it moved into my feet too and became painful. I was worried about it all night long and i felt awful. I wore my trainer socks and trainers when we went out instead of the sandles or flip flops and it seemed to help and push it away somehow. Then going to bed they were up again and they were still up this morning and now they are badly swollen again. I have done some walking and i my ankles and legs are still painful from the muscles from that anyway, but i can't help but be scared by it. It doesn't help when just for a few moments you forget about it and then the multiple ectopics start and they get me worried about everything being connected again. I am really struggling right now. I know the sense of it is because of the heat and they will go down, but i get so worried about anything at all nowadays, totally unlike how i used to be!!! But i know that i am not alone when i come on here. I find myself looking at people's ankles as they walk past me and i have noticed that a lot of people, young too, wearing flip flops and sandles seemed to have swollen ankles, but this does not make me feel any better.xx

01-08-08, 19:00
I have noticed this a lot in the hot weather, i thought it was something to do with sitting down all day at a computer but I have started moving around more and getting out at lunchtime,makes no bloomin difference, then I worry it is connected to my weight, you're right I have started obsessing about other peoples ankles, instead of making eye contact I am distinctly looking downwards.

mad isn't ?



01-08-08, 19:05
I get this alot during the summer months due to the heat!! if you are worried about it then please talk to your GP but i honestly don't think it's anything to be worried about :smile:

Take care


01-08-08, 19:19
Hi all,

thanks for your replies:) I really can't believe i am not the only one obsessing about other peoples ankles :D I am surprised i haven't been locked up lol.
I actually got this problem checked out the other day and was told as well as it being a very common place for the feet to swell its also an area that commonly stores erm fat! especially when you get to a certain age:winks:
So i officially have fat old feet:blush: :ohmy:

love anx xx

aka fat feet

01-08-08, 19:29
never known anyone to be locked up for looking at ankles, maybe the victorians had the right idea wear long dresses



01-08-08, 19:40
Its the extremes you go to looking at other peoples ankles lol