View Full Version : can anyone help ?

22-07-08, 11:23
hi everyone i have had anxiety for 7 months now and have just finished concelling which help me, I have had my ups and downs good and bad but i feel like i am hanging on by my finger tips the smallest thing could make me anxious. Is this the way it is one day your feeling good and you dont know if the next day is going to be the same. Does it get easyier dont get me wrong it hasnt been all bad i bjust what to get a balance. I am on med 5mg ciperlax and have ask my doc to move up but she does not think i need to.
anyone got any advice because this is all new to me
many thanks laura:blush:

milly jones
22-07-08, 12:48
i think that dealing with anx is a day to day struggle.

u get good days when u celebrate and feel up, then bad ones when u cant leave the house.

im trying to just deal with it one day ay a time and be as positive as possible, and not beat myself up so much when ive 'failed'.

one thing i do like to do is keep a mood diary, which helps keep things into perspective. sometimes when ur down u think its ben forever, when actually it may have only been a couple of days since feeling positive. reflecting back over a couple of weeks gives u more balance

take care

love milly xxx

22-07-08, 13:33
Hi hun :D :hugs:

It is great to hear your concelling helped, did you find the root cause of your anxiety hun?

When I was acute, I came to this site suffering pa's, high anxiety in fear 24/7. I like you, was on edge, all day every day, well there seemed nooo let up at all, untill I found this great site :yesyes:

Having ups and downs hun, is all part of recovery, please, try dame hard to focus MORE on your good days, than bad, please, eccept how you are now, BUT, DO NOT expect to feel ths way forever, all days are different when we are recovering, WE NEED to notice this, we NEED when the day starts bad, NOT, to try dame hard and think that this bad start to the day, will not last the next second, min, or even the rest of the day. Lern to eccept, but NOT to expect, ohh do that make any sense? hehe.

The fact that your gp does not want to up your meds, this says to me, ohhh how well you are doing, please, see this hun, praise yourself, YOUR DOING GREAT :yesyes: :bighug1:

Hope this has helped hun, IT WILL GET BETTER HUN, please, be patiant with yourself, it take time to get better.



22-07-08, 15:10
thanks jill and milly for your kind thoughts they have helped alot.:blush:
it just feels that you take 2 steps forward and 10 back it hard i just thought that after 7 months i would of got over this mybe i am being to hard on my self as i have never been sick before .
laura:hugs: :hugs:

22-07-08, 15:20
Hi hun :D :bighug1:

Its good to hear the replies have help you a little hun :hugs:

I know its dame hard for you right now, but hun, please, try and show youself that this WILL NOT be forever, this is soo important. I have read many, many things on here that helped me, ohh boy, did they :yesyes:

Have you read this hun


It does help when we changed the way we think, it IS dame hard, but with time and support, you can change.


KEEP POSTING, keep venting, it does help to talk


22-07-08, 17:57
thanks jill