View Full Version : the future in work

milly jones
22-07-08, 13:09
hi guys

need some of ur nmp advice, particularly anyone who has any ideas about otpions at work after a leave of absence in education.

i visited occupational health today who said that i was still not fit to work, after 3 months absence. (ive been off before after a breakdown for 1 year, but returned back to work for 18 months to the same job until anx hit again).

i just want to know if anyone has any idea about my future options.

he says im unlikely to return to work in my present post, and would benefit from a 3-4 year break to get fully well.

anyone any idea what happens?

im 43 so presumably too young to be retired off.

what happens about my present post?

what happens if i cant go back at all?

how long will they continue to hold the post open to me?

will i have to resign, or will they sack me?

obviously there are financial commitments, esp now incapacity benefit appears to be stopping.

work has been identified as the factor which has caused all of this. i feel very cross that they can just get rid of me now im usless to them.

i feel they have a responsibility for ruining my life at home now too.

please can anyone help?

milly xxx

22-07-08, 13:17
hey milly im not too sure how it works in the UK but alls I know is you go back too work when you feel you are ready, i believe no one can tell us when we are ready only we can, i wish you well with all of this ...tc xxx......linda

22-07-08, 13:42
I can really sympathise Milly, as you may know I'm in a similar position myself. As far as the legal position goes, the best way forward is to see a solicitor and get some advice. I don't know much about these things off the top of my head but I can ask my boyfriend if you like... he did a bit of employment law a while back so may have a few ideas. Take care :hugs:

milly jones
22-07-08, 13:45
ty so much for ur replies xx

22-07-08, 13:48
I really do feel for you, it's a nightmare isn't it? Keep your chin up, I know, easier said than done...! xxx

22-07-08, 13:49
Hi Milly

A friend of mine was in a similar position last year but in the NHS, she is in her 40's and was retired on ill health, so now gets a pension.
I would get in touch with the Citizen's Advice Bureau they should be able to advise you what to do next.

Take care

Elaine x

22-07-08, 13:50
Sorry forgo to add, you should ask to see the county sickness policy to understand your rights.

Elaine x

milly jones
22-07-08, 13:56
ty u elaine xxx

Hope 2
22-07-08, 14:19
Hi Mill

As you know, my career ended due to ocd, anx etc. Having the black cloud of uncertainty re our working life is the pits and makes us feel worse dunnit. My best advice is to get in touch with your union rep asap so you know exactly where u stand and for guidance as to what to do next. They should act as your advocate hun, that is their job.

You will be okay, of that I am sure.
We r here as you know ok.
We will work thru this with you, whatever happens.

Luv Hope xx

jacqui doll
22-07-08, 14:43

I found myself in the same position. I worked for 15 yrs with local government, after an assult a work i suffered PTS. I was off work for 15 months. During that time my work tried to sack me..... which failed and they also tried to get me to resign..... which was not an option. They also were failing to find me any suitable part time jobs. After pressure from my Dr and their occupational health ( who advised them under the disability act ) that they had to be seen to be accomdating me in helping me back to some work. (I was never able to go back to my previous job, due to the assult) Eventually i was offered a Part time job. I worked in the part time job for 10 months, took a relapse of PTS and was also told i was depressed and suffering from aniexty. I to take more time off. While off on the sick I was informed that i was being made redunant. I appealed the redundancy. I ended up taking my previous employer to tribunal, I won.... ( very, very stressful). When i felt ready to work i signed up with angencies. I know work Part time doing whatever, which is great. I work to get me out of the house, cause i need the money and have 3 kidz under the agef of 5. My advice is do what is right for you. Don't give yourself added stress but seek advice from an employment solicitor.

Sorry for the essay..... hope i have been of some help. xxxx

milly jones
22-07-08, 14:48
many thanks guys, u lot are so great ty xx

22-07-08, 17:50
I don't know what way you want to pursue this but I think you would have a personal injury claim if push comes to shove. The fact that you went back and yet anx hit again proves that your condition was 'foreseeable' which is a vital ingredient for proving employer negligence.

As a rule of thumb, after one year the employer will make moves to dismiss under the dismissal category of 'capability'. Another option they would have is to frustrate your contract which really is just a move to dissolve the contract. I would contact your union rep if I were you or at least familiarise yourself with your organisation's policies concerning absenteeism, capability etc.

Good luck


milly jones
22-07-08, 18:20
thanks kay

my union rep is aware of the situation, they attended my last absence review meeting.

thanks to pooh, who persuaded me to contact the union xx