View Full Version : ihatepanic30

22-07-08, 13:21
Hi, i'm new to this site. I would love to hear that I am not the only feeling the way I do, i took my first attack about three months ago and thought i was taking a heart attack, it happened very quickly and in front of my 5 year old daughter, i honestly thought i was going to die and asked my partner to phone an ambulance as well as my mum and brother. The paramedic explained what was happening and that i would be able to get through them in the future. Since then i have had a few but not as severe. I have tried the reading out loud, talking to my partner, walking etc but the only thing that seems to help is to be silent, concentrate on a part of the wall and tell myself I am not going to die, I am not going to die. I was on propranolol 80mg daily which i decided not to take while on holiday because i thought - no stress etc i will be fine, but no, i had to go & get some. That was 3 weeks ago, I am now on 10mg four times daily (for the past 2 days), the doctor seems to think that this might be better and easier to come off. My questions is: WHY DO WE PANIC SO MUCH? I feel like it is taking over my life because I constantly feel nervous. Is this common?

22-07-08, 13:28
Thank you so much for the warm welcome, i just really hope to try and understand why it happens. I was always so confident or so I thought...:blush:

22-07-08, 13:38
Hi there ...yes it is very common and totally understand where u r coming from...they are frightening and u feel as if no.1 else understands or is going through it .I have suffered with panic atacks on and off for a number of years but because of them I never went out and looking back now its worst thing I could have done as last week I had severe anxiety atack .

You have to accept them and not fight them the more you fight the worse they get ..very dificult when your having one I know . Keep geting out and just say 2 yourself these are false feelings they cant hurt me .

Make sure you get good advice and help from doctor and see a counciller if needed x
all the best xx

22-07-08, 13:44
Thank you so much for your reply, I'm 30 years old and wonder what makes us take these things when I've never taken one before. I will stay on my 10mg four times daily for a while and see how I go. Its a vicious circle; my doctor advises me to try and wind down and then I walk into a war zone in work where my boss is stressed to the max. I feel anxious most of the time and so when I get home from work I clean, clean, clean and then I am burnt out. Its always at the back of my mind that when I am anxious my heart races and when this happens I think my heart is going to explode, that is why I panic because I dont want to die, i know that sounds do dramatic but its the way I feel. Do you know if you can die through a panic attack??? My doctor says no but there is always that doubt...:unsure:

milly jones
22-07-08, 13:49
a warm welcome to nmp

love milly xxxx

22-07-08, 13:52
Awh thanks, its really nice to be welcomed this way and to be in touch with other panick(ers)?!? - i hope to share thoughts, feelings and experiences with people and to seek help and help others as best I can:hugs: x

22-07-08, 14:20
Hi and welcome to nmp,

Please take reassurance in the fact that you are definitely not alone. Panic attacks are so common that I'm surpised GPs don't explain it in more detail, or carry literature, when it happens. The most frightening thing about the first time is that you have got no idea what is happening to you and why. Being told it's a panic attack doesn't help but learning why it occurs, that it won't harm us despite the uncomfortable sensations and what our body is doing would give some reassurance.

All the best


22-07-08, 14:28
LOL I totally agree with what you say. It is reassurance to know that there are other people experiencing the same feelings. There should be more information on panic attacks. When my mum took one years ago I remember thinking - Oh my goodness she must be putting this on or something and I feel so guilty now because I totally understand the fear she was feeling. Sometimes I feel like I am going mad but I am so glad I have joined this site.
Thank you for sending me a message :) x

22-07-08, 14:34
I can relate to that. Before suffering myself I used to actually get annoyed with people who were off work with anxiety or depression. I used to think they just needed to get a grip and could not understand why they couldn't just get over it. Now on the under side of the fence I see how wrong I was.

22-07-08, 14:54

Welcome to the site. I also cleaned when I was anxious trying to get rid of the anxiety and did not even realize what I was doing. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


22-07-08, 15:01
Hi Laura,

Thanks for your message, at long last, someone else who has cleaned, cleaned, cleaned, lol. I'm sure my partner is at his wits end.. This site is amazing, I cant believe I am actually corresponding with someone so far away but who is feeling the same. This site is grrrreat and I cant wait to get home to tell my partner all about it.

Thanks again

22-07-08, 16:03
Hello Helena And Welcome To The Site, You Will Find Lots Of Info And Support Here ,wish Ya Well,linda

22-07-08, 17:20
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

22-07-08, 19:26

:welcome: to the site I am sure you will get lots of good advice and help on here

Take care


22-07-08, 22:12

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

23-07-08, 08:43
Cheers for all the warm welcomes, hope to chat to you all soon

23-07-08, 09:51
Hiya :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here.You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
Im sorry things are not good for you at the moment and i hope with the help of nmp you can start to improve things. Talking about your fears with other ppl who truly understand what its like can be so helpful so keep posting and we will help you as much as we can

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


23-07-08, 09:58
Hi Kellie, thank you so much for your message, I'm really overwhelmed at ppl's messages offering advice and reassurance, i was telling my partner about it last night (as I dont have a computer at home) and he was really pleased that i had joined. How are you keeping? Hope to chat to you soon...

23-07-08, 12:49
Hi ihatepanic

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

23-07-08, 12:51
Awh thanks very much. How are you? I'm new to all this and still finding my way around.:yesyes:

23-07-08, 13:35
Hiya hun im doing ok thanks at the moment, and i have to say its all down to nmp and the great ppl on here with all the great reasurance and advice they give.
Time for you to ask the hubbie for a home computer i think :yesyes: :yesyes:
Hopefully we will soon have you feeling better about things and stop the panic attacks coming as often as they do. hope to talk to you soon.

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


24-07-08, 08:46
Kellie, I'm great welcomes and know that if I need any questions answered I can come on here. I'm glad you are feeling better now. To tell you the truth I actually feel better already and I'm only a recent member. Its a comfort to know that I'm not actually going to die, its the thing I fear the most in life because of my 5 year old daughter, i just love her to bits. I've been telling everyone about this site and how I feel that its helping me already. I must go and pretend to do some work now. Hope to speak soon, xxx

24-07-08, 23:35
Hi and welcome :)

Good question, but i have no answer..lol!
