View Full Version : trembling

22-07-08, 13:32
can some tablets make you tremble as a side effect? is it dangerous and does it go away?:shrug:

22-07-08, 13:40
Hi hun :D :hugs:

I don't know much about meds, hun, what meds are you on? if you don't want to look yourself on the side effects of your med, I can google and see if this is a side effect of your med.:hugs:

Trembling is allso a symptoms of anxiety, this can be due to adrenaline, the body will try and use up this adrenalin by trembling. There are lots of threads on here about this under the symptoms page.

I have had the trembling on its own, just laying there when my body just started to shake inside, it did scare me at the time, but I know what it is now, not had this in a long time.

Hope this has helped a little hun :hugs: even if its just knowing you are not alone.



22-07-08, 15:04
Hi Bab,

I had a week of Diazapam about 1 year ago and it was fine. My doctor was reluctant to give me any more but in a crisis earlier this year yielded. It was only 2mg but after I took it I couldn't stop shaking and it was very scary. I can't say for sure how long it last but probably most of the morning. It's made me reluctant to take any more regardless of how I feel.

I'm sure mine is an iscolated case. It did go away and I doubt it done me any harm. If you are concerned about any medication you have yet to take then it's probably best to discuss it with your doc and if possible start with a smaller dose- ie breaking the pill in half if possible.

Also I should say despite having no reaction previously I was very anxious about taking the Diazapam and very worried about any side effects. I am not sure if this brought about the symptoms as that could be the case.

All the best
