View Full Version : WEIGHT!!!

22-07-08, 13:35
Hi Everyone, i haven't been on here for a while.....been a bit slack! lol

I am thinking of embarking on the lighterlife diet to help me lose weight, basically its not food or drink other the 4 sachets of there meal replacements and water!
I have done as much research as possible and it seems safe enough with some amazing results, i was wondering if anyone had tried it?

22-07-08, 14:05

Well :yesyes: on making such a big decision. My only advice to you is.............................. don't do it :huh:

This is because i've done the Cambridge diet and its 'basically' the same but half the cost and the only difference is you don't have 2 hours counselling a week but my counsellor would have spent at least half hour with me if i'd needed it but due to family etc i really only needed 5-10mins to grab me shakes and get weighed.

So, awesome decision and yes its medically proven and safe and don't worry you'll be fine on such a low calorie diet so long as you drink approx 3 litres a day but don't do literlife when you can get the same at half the cost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just my opinion x good luck

22-07-08, 14:07
BTW i lost 2 and half stone in 3 months but kinda failed after that so am on it again, 9lbs in 3 weeks so far! thats cheating and still having alcohol! which is a big no no!!!!!!!!!!:blush: :blush:

22-07-08, 15:27
Hi Sax

Thanks for such a quick reply..... i looked into the cambridge but all the people counsellors (or whatever there called) in my area are all fully booked and not taking on new people! :weep:

So gonna give lighterlife a go!!! meeting is tonight AND start packs tomo, so fish and chips and bottle of wine tonight me thinks LOL !! :winks:

will keep you informed on the progress......


22-07-08, 15:32
oH what a shame, i want to become a cambridge counsellor so will support you all i can, but its such a shame i know the diet is identical at half the cost! oh well. If money not an issue then i guess its a case of trying to stick to not eating well from experience give it 4 days or so and you won't want to eat just remember its medically proven and not unsafe so go for it!!!!!!!!!!! i will support as i'm able or as u wish

put me on msn if u wish xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sax (pm for addy)

22-07-08, 17:43
I did lighter life. Cost £50 per week (£200 a month) and have a cupboardful of sachets!!! (I think they taste awful by the way). Although they claim it is 100% safe, I'm not so sure. Ketosis is not a healthy state to be in and if you do your research the scientific community is out on whether this is a desirable way to lose weight. I also found it difficult to maintain when working as you can't always have a whisk and jug with you. You can't mix them and then take them travelling with you for some reason. Had big headaches as well.

It's up to you to decide and I know when I did it no one could have stopped me. The tales of vast weight loss over a short period is seductive so I understand why these diets sound like a dream come true. By the way, I put all the weight back on just as quick as I lost it.

Good luck in your endeavours


22-07-08, 18:45
I looked into this once and went along to the meeting as they wouldn't tell me over the phone what it was !

We had to endure videos and loads of success stories etc etc.

Then they told us it was just drinks and nothing else and we could not eat any other food at all.

They also test your urine each week so can tell if you have cheated.

I decided it was't for me as it was too strict.

You may as well do slimfast milkshakes twice a day and a healthy, low calorie meal in the evening.

It was far too restrictive and the weight loss is big as you are not eating much but then once you stop it the weight will probably pile back on.

22-07-08, 19:32
Hi hun :D :hugs:

I wish you luck with this hun, I hope you get out of it your ideal weight, BUT, what I feel will help you hun, is while doing this, please, plan how your going to manage your eating habits when this diet has stoped. Foucus on healthy eating. Plan your days for when this diet stops, make healthy menus.

Remember, while getting all the support with this diet and your on a high and doing well, YOU WILL DO WELL, but when the diet has stoped sometimes, we go back to what we feel confortable with AND thats eating the wrong foods again, so hun, make plans for this now, know what your going to be doing, making changes to your eating habbits. Loosing weight is a lifesyle change, forever, this takes time and planing AND mentaly ajusting to what you are doing and feeling happy doing it.


take care


23-07-08, 12:47
Hi Everyone
thank you for your replies..... i understand that this diet and loosing the weight is now the easy part, keeping it off and being healthy afterwards to maintain is going to be the hard part!!!:wacko:

i have been looking at planning etc already which i will have ready for in 14 weeks time LOL
I started this morning so its early days, but got roughtly 5 stone to lose!! :weep:

I'll keep you all posted how it goes!!

24-07-08, 22:49
There are some major problems with doing a diet like this.
For one when you stop eating your metabolism actually slows down because you aren't fueling your body so although you do lose the weight when you finally have to come off the packets and go back on food - which eventually you will have to do as you can't live on packets the rest of your life - you will put the weight you lost back on REALLY QUICKLY!
Also you are depriving your body of nutrients that it needs. You can end up with anemia,rickets,and all kinds of differents kinds of infections cuz your immunities will be effected.
The only effective way to lose weight is to use a combination of responsible food choices, portion control, and exercise.
Any other form of weight lose is temporary at best and harmful to your body.

25-07-08, 08:46
I disagree, firstly the liquid food has all the nutrients you need, secondly the whole programme teaches you how to introduce a healthy diet! :yesyes: Yes at the beginning its very low calorie which some folks are scared of however this is just to lose the initial weight then a programme is designed to help you introduce food but in a safe way which doesn't put the weight on if you stick to their guidance.
Yes I agree that you should also be exercising and of course having at least 3 litres water a day is vital (I too got headaches if I didn't do this but when I did I am fine) and remembering if you exercise you need to drink even more than this!

I say way to go and all the best and keep us posted. With you all the way Emilys x:bighug1:

25-07-08, 11:38
Well here's the first update- im on day 3 and finding really hard!!
During the day i manage to cope but as soon as it comes to the evening i feel really moody really depressed!! sounds so silly all over food but i cant help it.. :weep:
I need to stick at least the first week as i paid for it ~ but i dont know if its for me, but do need to lose weight!! :shrug:

thanks for your replies and support guys...xxx:flowers:

25-07-08, 11:45
hiya i lost 1 and half stone after i had my 3rd child just by halfing my food portions, cutting down on goodies and exercising nearly every day even just a brisk half hour walk. i think this is the safest way and if u go on diets u have to stick to them or the weight goes back on. just eat normal foods i say but cut back on pertion sizes, go low calorie, cut down on any takeaways or high fat foods etc but still allow yourself treats. 4 years on and i still kept the weight of and still have my bickies most days and other trearts u just have to exercise and eat in moderation. hugs

25-07-08, 12:20
any diet that costs money, restricts calories or is hard to stick to is a waste of time, especially in the long term. if you would like any advice id be happy to help. ive been helping people with fitness & weight control for 8 years, and whats more its entirely free.


and for the record there is no harm in ketosis, it is not the same as ketoacidosis.

25-07-08, 15:14
Ok so iv come to the conclusion that this is definatly not the diet for me!! I'm starving and feel extremeley sick :wacko:
So thats it!

I'm not givin up on the dieting i'v just gotta find something more suitable to me...
Thanks again guys and if anyone has any good diet plans to follow (ie eating ones) then please do email me?


25-07-08, 16:29
I think its sooo sad the people here are so negative and haven't tried to support your decision!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ignorance is something I can't abide and negativity breads negativity.

Well done guys for helping Emilys................... NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

29-07-08, 12:43
Hi Emilys..what a same in was not for you..i too struggle with my weight.I have pm-ed joel for advice .So may be he will be our saviour.Love Paddie.xxx

05-08-08, 16:48
I don't think you should be quite so opinionated about a diet which might just suit some people even if it isn't your cup of tea!!!!!
How can you say its a waste of time when really you should respect it suits some people and works in some cases!


any diet that costs money, restricts calories or is hard to stick to is a waste of time, especially in the long term. if you would like any advice id be happy to help. ive been helping people with fitness & weight control for 8 years, and whats more its entirely free.


and for the record there is no harm in ketosis, it is not the same as ketoacidosis.