View Full Version : having a bad day

22-07-08, 13:38
I'm worrying myself stupid because I have my appointment tonight with the dental surgeon re the sore spots in my mouth and am convinced that my fear of having mouth cancer will be confirmed.

On top of that, my partner, who is a superstar with me through all this, tells me that he has had bright red blood in his stools yesterday (alot he says) so even though I'm not googling about me, I've managed to convince myself that he is seriously ill by checking that out on the internet.

I think I need to persuade him to see his doc right?

Feel like going home and curling up in a little ball right now..........

22-07-08, 13:51
Re your partner, he could just have piles which would cause the bright red blood. Or he could have a fissure which may have come open. Both sound gross but they are terminal. I'm not a medical experty but a lot of people get red bllod on their stools because they either strain and this causes the blood.

If it makes you and him feel better he could get it checked out at the Dr. But please try not to worry as this is very common.

22-07-08, 15:09

My dad and father-in-law both had blood in their stools this year and both sought help. In both cases there was no problem. This is obviously not the case everytime and as anxiety suffers we always look at worse case scenario but either way he should get it checked. Hopefully it will be fine.

I wish you all the best,
