View Full Version : Another one just for the laydeez

22-07-08, 13:59
Just wondered what your experiences of the pill are? I get the most appalling periods and PMDD (basically crying all the time and feeling really low) and I also get bad headaches, cramps and IBS the first two days of my period. It really brings me down every month and I feel it's setting my recovery from anxiety back as well because every time it comes I seem to get the old feelings I had when my breakdown was at its worst. I also get more anxious and panicky. My doctor has suggested I go on the pill, but I'm really nervous about doing this as I'm scared it'll make things worse. Also my sister said it made her feel really sick, which scared me as I have emetophobia. What can I do? Would any natural remedies help? This is really getting to me, I feel so bad with it I've been in tears today. It's getting so that I'm scared of my period! Please help, someone! xxx

22-07-08, 14:08
Aww sam hun,

the pill will calm it all down, find out which pill your sister went on and just tell the doc you don't want it, try for another one, i personally have never had any probs with the pill, and i hardly get any cramps at all, sadlly the ibs i still do, but i suffer that whether its time of the month or not.

best wishes

Di xx

milly jones
22-07-08, 14:09
i tried going on the pill last year to see if it would help my moods swings.

it didnt, it made me so more emotional and aggitated.

i gave up after 3 months

just my experience hunny

milly xx

22-07-08, 14:16
The pill never made me feel sick but my anxiety went through the roof on the last one I was on. After 10 years I have said bye bye because I have had enough of feeling like someone else and having rediculous mood swings.

I have tried both the mini pill and the combined pill. The mini pill made my anxiety worse and the combined pill made me put a lot of weight on.

The only bonus for me was knowing exactly when my periods would start and end and making them much lighter.

22-07-08, 15:32
Thanks for your replies... just feel fed up with feeling ill and depressed. xxx

milly jones
22-07-08, 18:28
aww samira hun hugs xxx

22-07-08, 20:16
I have tried a variety of pills and it is definitly a case of finding the one that suits you the first one i tried was good for me, i used to suffer with monthly migrains before i went on it which made me sick and i couldn't do anything for about two days. I still get a headache when i come off my pill which i normally get at night but it is a managble headache.
This pill was ovranette it seemed to work for me.
I am currently on a pill called Dianette as i have been suffering with acne due to either my b12 shots and/or stress and i'm also ok on this pill.
I did get put on a mini pill once can't remeber the name of this one, i was on this for neraly 12 weeks and this was terrible I was bleeding nearly every week and i was very emotional and tired.

07-09-08, 14:42
Hi Samira
Bit of a late reply here but just came across your thread. I also have emet and only reluctantly went on the pill when my period pain and irregular periods got to much to cope with. The pill didn't make me feel sick and it did alleviate the pain. But do steer clear of a pill called Cileste, it made me an emotional wreck and have known other female friends to have experienced the same thing on Cileste.
Exercise has always been the most helpful thing for difficult periods in my opinion, and also radically changing your diet. If you go to www.marilynglenville.com there's some great advice on how to control those pesky hormones.
Good luck

07-09-08, 15:16
Hello Samira

I had to reply to you as i also suffer from Pre menstrual Dysphoria. I got diagnosed with it years ago so kinda cope with it now. However after 10 years of being on mercilon pill i got taken off it last yr as i was doing a degree & getting very stressed with that & working full time my BP went through the roof. However when i came off the pill the PMD got a lot worse & i was given a prescription for HRT yes at 24 i nearly died.

I did not want to go down the route of HRT or the pill any longer so made the decision not to take anything just herbal supplements. I am pleased to say that i have learnt to take this 10 day blip before my period in my stride, yes its very annoying but its one of those things & now i can control it.

The pill will for sure help stabilize your PMD & is relatively safe hun, i was on it ten years & didn't get any problems & no babies woo hoo! It can be a case of trial and error to find one that suits you. The GP's & nurses are usually very good at judging which one will suit you.

Good Luck xxx

09-09-08, 12:25
Thank you all so much for your replies... I have been given a prescription for Ovranette, so I am going to screw up my courage and give it a go... pretty scared though! xx

Pink Panic
09-09-08, 12:39

Have you thought about the Mirena Coil Samira? the doc advised me to think about trying it as my sitaution is pretty similar to yours from what you described.


21-09-08, 20:09
I haev tried a few pill since i started taking it and the mini pill i can't remember the exact name of it was the one i couldn't get on with it made me depressed and very run down and i was bleeding all the time i took this for two months. ovranette is a pill i have been on for about 5 years and this oone suited me fine and i recently changed to the acne pill dianette and this one is also fine with me to.
I think it is basically a case of trying them till you find one that suits really.