View Full Version : nardil(phenelezine)

22-07-08, 19:51
my shrink has kindly agreed to put me on this hard toget on anti/d.
i have tried most of the ssris for my social anxiety and all made me feel 100 times worse.

the nardil "so they say" is the goldstar for social anxiety treatment.
there are a few food restrictions which im not to fussed about,i.e avoid marmite,soya bean,strong cheese..um alcohol in high doses.

i think they will jusy give you a headache n may raise your blood pressure slightly.

anyways i will keep u informed if you are thining of asking for this med..


you wont be able to ask your gp for it-has to be from a shrink,then he will let you get your scrips from gp

pps further info on treatment can be found on this very informative site

milly jones
22-07-08, 21:27
thank you so much for the web link

it answered alot of my questions

is nardil more expensive than ssris then?

milly xx

23-07-08, 08:48
thank you so much for the web link

it answered alot of my questions

is nardil more expensive than ssris then?

milly xx

Nardil is an MAOI and as far as I am aware is no more expensive than any other antidepressant. The reason the medical profession don't prescribe it these days is that it can have interactions with foods and other medicines, so they prefer to use SSRI's. There is now a new generation of MAOI's which don't have the same food interactions, but they don't work as well as the old MAOI's apparently.