View Full Version : confuuuuuuuuuuuseed

22-07-08, 21:22
Do you ever wonder who is the right person to be listening to? I suffer from health anxiety and panic and have been on and off ssris for the last 10 years. I have been to see shrinks in both nhs and private and been in the priory too. I have my mum saying if only I can find out the cause then that will help to cure, I have my husband saying I would feel the same on a placebo and then I have the health professionals who I wonder about - The GP has no time or specialism, the nhs shrink has limited time and resources and the private shrink is all about making money (or are they). My husband suggests trying hypnotherapy?

I wonder who has our best interests at heart?:shrug:

milly jones
22-07-08, 22:04
i think we have to trust our own instincts hunny

there are loads of different perspectives on nmp

med/no meds


we have to just see what works best for us
and try our best to conquer this

ppl on nmp have the best insight into anx i know

take care milly xx

24-07-08, 04:59
Ok am now sat here crying cos they tell you if you dont avoid things and keep doing things it will get easier but my panics are just getting worse especially supermarket


The bit above is something I found from another of your posts. I was taking a look at them to see if I could build a picture to your anxieties.

It appears that you worry 24 hours a day. This worrying about everything then creates your anxiety symptoms which then fuels more worrying.

When you attempt to go out, you're worrying about feeling panicky so you focus on every feeling your body presents which then worries you further creating more panicky feelings leaving you feeling constantly dizzy.

In other words, it's your worrying that is the cause behind your anxious feelings and you're a natural worrier because like many of us you feel insecure and lack confidence.

It is true that the more we attempt things, the easier things become because we build more confidence in our own abilities BUT things only become easier IF we use the right mental approach and that's where I feel you need to start.

You're focussing constantly on worries. When something worries you, try not to dwell on it but instead think about something else. Also find a hobby or interests to focus your mind on.

You're focussing so much on how you're feeling but you need to think "outwardly" about what you're seeing and want to do.

Before you go out, learn not to think about your feelings but instead what you want to achieve when you're out. Plan your route with targets and focus on those goals instead. I know the feelings frighten you but if you don't dwell on them, they will go on their own.

You also need to learn how to relax because at the moment your life revolves around looking for something to worry about and the symptoms those worries produce which just create more worries.

The only way to cope with worries is by learning not to dwell on them by moving on to something else each time.

What I feel you need is a therapist to show you how to think in a different way and how to go about each day with a new thinking pattern to help you stop focussing "inwardly" but instead on things you see and want to do around you.:hugs:

24-07-08, 08:34
Bill you always have the most wonderful advice and you have me down to a tee... thank you so much x