View Full Version : Hard lump on cheek bone

22-07-08, 22:26
I'm getting myself in a state (again!!) - a few weeks ago I noticed I had a small (smaller than a pea) sized "lump" on my upper cheek bone, under the skin. I thought at first it was just my cheek bone itself. It feels pretty solid. I made the mistake of googling "cysts" and came up with all sorts so I thought I'd ask here if anyone else has had anything similar?

I do have an awful habit of continually grinding my teeth and wonder if that has aggravated something. I also have "weird" sinus problems too I think. I've never had it diagnosed but my lower eye lid (?) is getting progressively puffy and feels quite cold?!!

I'm waffling again aren't I! I guess I'll have to pluck up the courage to go and see the doctor but being agoraphobic it's difficult cos I have to work out a lift from someone and fit that in with the appointment time (if I can get one!).

I've already imagined myself walking into the doctors saying "I've got a lump on my cheek, my eye is puffy and cold, I've got nasal/sinus problems but I don't want an operation:wacko: !!!" Aaaaaaaaaaaargh!

Any words of advice would be much welcomed!!!


milly jones
22-07-08, 22:44
a friend on here had similar difficulties and had a viral infection.

also ive has bump on bone before and it was a bruise on the bone

pls try not to worry

milly xxx

22-07-08, 22:54
Aww thanks for our reply Milly :)

I think, today, I've just been extra anxious for some unknown reason and, as I'm sure you know, one thought leads to another and I end up thinking the worst!! Dear me!!

Take care,

Wendy xxxx

23-07-08, 02:51
Defintely try not to worry and most of all DONT GOOGLE!!!! With HA we always tend to think the worst and thankfully 98% of the time it turns out to be nothing. I would just get it looked at if it persists but I am sure you will be okay!

23-07-08, 03:01
Thanks Alison:)

Little miss worry
20-07-10, 20:03
I have the same thing a hard tiny little lump on the top of my cheekbone under my left eye... i've also been sneezing alot lately and have bloody in my nose not actual nose bleeds just a bit?? im a terrible worrier about my health and am increasingly worrying! if you hear anything else please post! :)
Good luck, im sure were just worrying about nothing!! :P
Lauren, x

20-07-10, 23:02
Hiya Lauren,

I saw the title of this post and thought to myself "oooh! I've got a lump on my cheek bone" and then I realised it was me who posted the original message 2 years ago - whoops!! I'm sorry you have the same - I think mine is a small cyst - it doesn't cause me any problems at all thank goodness. As for the "nose bleeds" I now realise that the inside of my nose can dry out (usually in the colder weather, but it does happen in the summer time), and when I blow my nose it can show a tiny bit of blood. It was interesting at the weekend because I was in a building that was really cold and we put the central heating on full blast - within just 10 or 15 minutes I sounded as if I had a cold and I felt really "snuffly"! So central heating certainly affects my nasal passages.

What I try to do is pour boiling water into a large jug or a bowl and just breath in the moisture - it stops my nose from drying out!

I hope you start to feel better soon - I know what it's like to worry about health :(

Take care,

Wendy xx