View Full Version : I'm Lynn

Spiritual Butterfly
23-07-08, 01:44
:yahoo:Hello everyone,

I'm Lynn & Iam new to this web site. I found this web page through general surfing obviously. It looks like a little Godsend. Right now at this moment my panic/anxiety attack is just calming down a bit but I have suffered on & off with these for 19 years. My Doctor has just stopped my Citalopram 20mg last week as I felt my depression was altering & getting worse to the point of wanting to harm myself & I was losing the will to live. My Doctor has now prescribed from last week 28 Venlafaxine mr 75mg caps. I have been on these before but it was a while ago & my memory is not as good as it was. Iam concerned as the dosage is a lot higher then the 20mg & I have to take one twice a day. I know it has only been a week but I have been feeling a lot worse my panic/anxiety feels like hell, I'm not sleeping, can't get out of bed as I feel the same first thing in the morning. I have terrible phobias which are pathetic, want to cry all the time. I live on my own have done for 18 years don't have any problem with that. Suffer with my weight & I have Diabetes type 1. My Mum is my carer & lives about 10 mins away by car, I drive her to so much worry as it doesn't matter what she tries to do to help it feels like she does not understand & I know that she does. I have been off work since end of May with this. I know that my job will be coming to an end as I cannot cope with it anymore because of my phobias. I was off work ill last year for 7 months. I went back to work in January & things were improving but a setback at work triggered them off again & I am just going back downhill again. Its so frustrating to get out of this horrible cycle. Thankyou for listening. I hope to keep posting or chatting on this site so speak to you soon.

23-07-08, 02:59
Sorry your feeling so down at the minute, but hopefully nmp can help you recover. You will find lots of help here and make new friends along the way too, and theres always someone here who will understand how you feel as theyve probably been at the same point as yourself now. Im a diabetic insulin dependant and sometimes get the feelings of panic and low sugars a bit confused as theyre very similar. Nmp has helped me so much and i hope it does same for you soon.
:hugs: :hugs:

23-07-08, 09:48
Hiya :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here.You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
Im sorry things are not good for you at the moment and i hope with the help of nmp you can start to improve things. Talking about your fears with other ppl who truly understand what its like can be so helpful so keep posting and we will help you as much as we can

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


23-07-08, 09:52
hi lynn sorry you feeling down at the moment welcome to nmp wer youl find great info make new friends we all understand and remember your not alone tc xxxxxxx

23-07-08, 12:35
Hello Lynn And Welcome To The Site,wish Ya Well,linda

23-07-08, 12:47
Hi Lynn

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

23-07-08, 15:18
Hi Lynn

:welcome: to the site I am sure you will get lots of good advice and support on here

Take care


23-07-08, 15:44
Hi Lynn,

Welcome to the site. You will find that many here understand how you feel and you will get support. I hope we can help.

Take care,


23-07-08, 16:06
Hi Lynn

I'm glad you found this site, you wont be disappointed. A warm welcome and loads of sensible advice are found here.

Along with your medication, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy might be usefull for you. Your Gp could arrange it for you, I found it very helpful with absolutely no side effects. If you feel that you cannot go out to the group sessions then there is a very good series of books you can buy which use the same concept.

There is a series of books called
overcoming Anxiety
overcoming Depression
A five areas approach
author Chris Williams
Publisher Hodder Arnold
Price around £20
You can choose either or get both, they are very good

I hope that this is helpfull
Get well soon

23-07-08, 17:27
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

23-07-08, 22:07
Hi Lynn

A warm :welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help

milly jones
23-07-08, 22:28
hi lynn

a warm welcome to nmp

love milly xxx

Spiritual Butterfly
23-07-08, 23:28
:flowers: Thankyou everyone,
for your touching messages. Forgot to mention that Iam on Propranolol 10mg for my anxiety/panic attacks. I have also seen the CBT team from last year but it was just counselling with a really nice Lady I might add unless there is something else that is part of that I don't know. They have provided me with a phone number for a support group but not too sure if it is for me. This page might be just what I need. My anxiety tonight is ok right now. I have decided to just take one Venlafaxine a day to see how I go & I will take it when Iam going to bed with my last betablocker of the night. Iam hoping it will help me feel a bit better in the morning. Its nice to know that Iam not alone in what I suffer with & I'm sorry that you all suffer with it too because its just not nice & it does stop us from doing a lot of things. Thanks for listening,

Take care & keep smiling

Lynn xx