View Full Version : Giddiness

23-07-08, 06:07
Hi Everyone -

Need some help. I was diagnosed with Giddiness a few weeks ago. Can anyone tell me anything about this? My dr basically told me to quit my job and take up Yoga and deep breathing exercise. My symptoms are a constant shaking sensation of my brain and dizzinesses.

Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

Very scared! :weep:


27-07-08, 14:56
You do not need to quit your job. I have giddiness and work. It is hard but I do it. Giddiness affects the balance and the head and makes you feel like you are walking funny. With mine I get pressure in my head and the sensation of just plain wierdness. This is one of the longest symptoms of panic and the hardest to get rid of. If you need or have questions please email me. Take care:wacko:

27-07-08, 18:04
I too suffer this if I go to the supermarket. Walking round with the trolley I feel as though I'm going to bump into people or keel over at any moment. It's a real nightmare and I sympathise with you. It's all to do with panic though. Going out brings on my panics and so of course the unsteadiness comes with it.


28-07-08, 23:28
I also suffer with this and it is worst symptom to overcome. I went to the supermarket today and after approx 5 minutes, I could feel the pressure building in my head and my body starting to sway. My hands started sweating and I was frantically looking for the door to escape just in case I passed out. I did mange to overcome it an remain in the shop by telling myself that it would pass and started focusing on my shopping list. I have been having hypnotherapy and all of my other symptoms I have managed to overcome all except this one. It is preventing me from going out on my own or driving the car as I am so scared. My therapist assures me it will pass as soon as I accept it and not be afraid of these feelings. You are not alone and I am always happy to chat.
Kindest regards Nikki. :-) x

29-07-08, 08:29
I had my first attack yesterday. I didn't get any warning or raised heart rate. I just felt like I was 2 seconds away from passing out. I had given blood for the second time ever the week before and had passed out then. It seemed exactly like this, but I fought the feeling because I was scared of falling off my chair at work. It happened twice where I felt like I was within seconds of passing out, and 2-3 times later with just nausea and giddyness.

Its hard not to worry that I will pass out particularly when it was only last week when I really passed out and the sensation is so similar.

I was planning to go to blackpool pleasure beach today and go on some rollercoasters with my flatmate. She still thinks I should go and is making me feel like a baby for having reservations, despite the fact she accepts the symptoms are real. She doesn't seem to understand my reservations at subjecting my body to 2-4g acceleration so soon after feeling giddy - but I've just read the intro telling me not to start avoiding stuff.

Has anybody ever really fainted from this and as this is my first attack there is still some question in my head that I can safely ignore this feeling?

Should i go on the rollercoasters?

29-07-08, 10:17
All i can say is that i have been having these feelings of faintness just about every day for the last 8 years and have never actually passed out.
The weather was very hot yesterday and this is why you could of been feeling the way you did.
Please try and continue to go out and do things if you feel up to it as i gave into it and ended up housebound.
It maybe worth visiting the doctors just to get a check up and put your mind at rest, it could be that your blood pressure is a bit low.

Take care

29-07-08, 19:56
Thanks for the advice. We went to Chester in the end. I did get checked out yesterday and I'm okay. The doctor told me not to fight the symptoms and not to try and analyse it. So I'm going to 'just' try and ignore it, or quickly (but not frantically) distract myself if it happens again. A bit easier said than done though I imagine!