View Full Version : It's a start...

Venus Calling
23-07-08, 11:39
I've 'only' be suffering with PA's for the last three months (seems like forever) and since having a full blown one in a shopping mall on Friday - I've never had one outside before but just had to get out of there, I forced myself to carry on with my shopping (albeit in floods of tears). Although I was with my 12 year old son, I also bumped into my older son and his girlfriend and we went to sit in Starbucks until I calmed down enough to drive.

Since then, I have had three more attacks which I can gladly say I managed to stop in it's tracks purely by telling myself I'm not going to die because I didn't last time, that it will pass and by taking deep breaths. I also carried on doing things whilst it was happening and managed to get back to normal quite quickly. I've realised I mustn't succumb to the negative thinking and change my thoughts positively. It wasn't easy by any stretch of the imagination but I managed to get through it which makes me more positive.

I was given Propranolol by my doctor but won't take them. I keep telling myself I am in control of this fear I feel and I don't have to feel like this. I hope I can keep feeling this positive!

23-07-08, 12:18
:welcome: Jupiter.Your get lots of support here.Welldone on keeping the panic attacks away and staying in control.The first panic attack is terrible and frightening,I thought I was dying and ended up in hospital.
Im pleased to say I have not had a full blown attack for nearly two years now,like you when I feel it coming on I talk to myself and do some deep breathing.
You sound very positive.:yesyes:

Venus Calling
24-07-08, 13:52
I've had a hell of a morning despite the positveness! I took my kids to see The Dark Knight this morning but the youngest decided to play up which I tried very hard to deal with calmly as I could feel the sensations rising that usually come with the PA. Did the deep breathing and keeping the positive thoughts and as soon as the film started I was getting worse and really thought I should leave - apart from needing the loo because of it! I tried the rescue remedy but it didn't do anything and the air conditioning was just making matters worse as I could feel it right on my neck. I stuck it out for 2 and a half hours doing the breathing etc, got through it and was able to drive home ok.

Chest still feeling peculiar though, a kind of burning sensation which I have in my left forearm as well, a bit like sunburn - do others have this last longer than the PA? I've forced myself to eat something just incase being hungry might aggravate it but I can't eat either.

This site has helped me alot since I found it and it's partly that which makes me want to carry on to beat this thing. I wish I didn't feel so rotten on such a lovely day!

24-07-08, 15:03
You did really well, be proud of yourself .


24-07-08, 16:06
Well done on staying put during the film that in itself is a major breakthrough, you mentioned burning in your chest?? well as you saw on my post i had a panic attack last night, and today ive been left with more of a tingling rather than burning feeling in my chest (could be the same thing) i have this quite often im almost sure its linkewd to my anxiety i seem to suffer from that and only get the panic attacks every so often, hadnt had one since easter until last night, so today i feel really quite annoyed with myself, but hey ho at leaswt we know what they are and how to try and cope when they happen.
OOOPS, lol sorry for the major waffling ...... Take care POLLY

Venus Calling
24-07-08, 16:13
I had a lie down this afternoon and feel a bit better - still shaky for some reason but the chest thing is still there. Describing pain is never easy - in the terms of real pain it doesn't hurt more an irritation - I just don't like it in my chest! lol

Veronica H
24-07-08, 17:05
I have just read Dr Claire Weekes book 'Self-Help for your nerves' published by Thorsons ISBN No 978-0-7225-3155-6. It is a quick easy read and really explains what is happening to us and why. As I am on the waiting list for CBT, I wanted to know how to help myself in the mean time. I cannot recommend this enough. I am on 10mg of propranalol 3 times daily. It removed the panic by bringing my heart rate down and keeping it there. What it left me with was the waves of anxiety which is at the root of my problems.The book has really helped with this. Well done for getting out there despite these attacks. It is good that you are not allowing them to close your world down.

Best wishes
Veronica H

24-07-08, 17:32
Hi I'm new to this sight wanted to give you my support too. i've been in and out of the er for this. I hope I can keep it together today at work. I get most of my symtopms at work. Anyway sorry to change subject but can you tell me how to start my own thread. Someone told me to goto new thread box but I only see the thread subcribe box. Thanks for your help and take care.

26-07-08, 19:49
Go you! What you did whilst shopping - and afterwards - is absolutely incredible. I want to join everyone else here who are supporting you and congratulating you - you absolutely deserve it!

It usually takes a lot of people (me included!) a long time to get to the point of being able to tell yourself that you will be fine, and if you continue doing whatever it was that you intended to do rather than concentrating on your panic attack, it will eventually dissipate. And you proved to yourself that this is exactly what happens.

It also means that, gradually, your anxiety will have less and less hold over you and allow you to live a regular life.

I'm genuinely so impressed by what you have achieved! Gives us all hope and helps us gain a little more courage too.

Thank you,

26-07-08, 19:57
Ohh - by the way - I take propranolol and have been for almost a year, but not every day, just when I need it which has been less and less often over time. I can assure you that taking it doesn't mean that you will become dependent on it - it is non-addictive which is why it's the only one that I will take. Also, it does help you 'cope' with the overall anxiety and help decrease the feelings of anxiety/panic too - this stops you getting so worn down by the anxiety and helps you to overcome them too.

I do understand the reasons you don't want to take it, mainly because it was a long time before I accepted any medication to help me with my anxiety for the same reasons. Also, I didn't want to become dependent on any medication that would mean I would then have to deal with the additional stress and anxiety when coming off it.

Saying that, propranolol genuinely won't do that - there is no coming off it, or having to stay on it. It is an 'as and when' medication, there for you when you need it - if you need it.

Venus Calling
27-07-08, 01:41
Thank you and everyone for your support - I really appreciate it and it spurs me on. I haven't been brave enough to go out again since Thursday though but I won't beat myself up about it.

Thanks for the information about the tablets - I've kept them and am still hoping I can get through this without them. I wouldn't say I have a fear about potions and pills but I've never liked taking anything - I've had six children all without pain relief bar the first one when I was given pethidine which didn't do a thing and then they gave me morphine to stitch me up after except I felt every stitch so I don't have much faith in medication! :winks:

29-07-08, 12:18
Oh my God.... and I fall about in agony after stubbing my toe(!) I think you're a superwoman!!

Personally I find that when I've done something particularly challenging (I like that word!) I like to take a day or two 'off' and simply relax as much as I can before deciding what my next challenge will be. That way, I get some relief from the stress and can enjoy the elation which results from having achieved something.

I hope you've enjoyed the days since Thursday and can look forward to your next trip - perhaps doing something you enjoy!
