View Full Version : I kinda did it..............

23-07-08, 12:22
Well - went to daughters graduation - sat 2 hours in a hot humid hall - positiioned where they told us to sit = ie was sat in middle of a row middle of the hall - had a panic attack and left husband sat on his own and sat by the door with the lady who was showing people into the auditorium - I explained to her that I suffered panic attacks and although it was so stuffy and I was totally panicking throughout the whole ceremony - I stayed - but felt sad my poor hubby sat on his own in the middle!!!!

Then took daughter out for lunch in busy restaurant - I coped - but I didnt cope with queue for 1 hour for photo in her gown so no family pic as I bottle dout - it was all too much for me - feel proud I saw her graduate but ashamed I didnt cope with the heat and also it was hot and stuffy in the hall and I was seated so far from the door in the middle of a row - all my nighmares come true!!!

On another note= we have now moved house, builders etc in and house is a mess and chaos and I have lost my job as the company I work for have closed down due to the recession!!!

Ouch - no wonder i am crying and feeling low at the mo!!

Love to all Wenjoy xxx

23-07-08, 12:37
Well Done:yahoo: you made the graduation,be proud of yourself for staying so long,the heat makes things alot worse I think and being sat where you feel trapped is horrid.Im sure your daughter was just pleased to have you there.
I think you did brilliant.sorry to hear about you losing your job.:hugs:

23-07-08, 13:05
Well done! :yesyes: Congratulations! It can get hard and scary when you find yourself in such situations, but you made it through. You know what they say - "What doesn't kill us..:)

Sorry to hear about your jub, though. Hang in there :hugs:


23-07-08, 14:14
its my graduation tomorrow & I am getting a bit nervous now. well done though, you got through it, just like I am sure I will tomorrow. x

23-07-08, 14:36
Hi Janeybaby25 - you will be fine - my daughter told me the graduates were in the cooler part of the hall downstairs and it was great - well done for your graduation - I know I spent most of the day blubbing as I was such a proud mother!!! x Wenjoy

23-07-08, 17:23
yeah my mum will be same in the morning! lol x

23-07-08, 17:33

Well done, you did so well, not sure if I could have sat through it for two hours half an hour and I want to rush out. I doesn't matter where you ended up sitting you were still there and you saw the whole thing through so you should be really proud of yourself.

Sorry to hear you lost your job.


23-07-08, 17:45
Wenjoy thats brilliant be so proud of yourslef my love

23-07-08, 17:52

You have done so well and you should be so proud of yourself.....WELL DONE XXXX

23-07-08, 19:29
very very big kudos to you! even if things seem small to you, any improvement is an improvement! you gave your best effort, thats all anyone can ask for :)

PS: The heat really agitates my anxiety, im not sure if tahts true for anyone else, so i'll give you super super kudos for going in the heat :) :yesyes:

Veronica H
23-07-08, 19:31
Hi Wenjoy
I had a panic attack on the day of my husbands graduation. He chose to cancel and I felt awful. Two weeks later he made it to the graduation and I attended. I was nervous, felt sick etc it was really stuffy in there. I made it to the restaurant afterwards. The important thing is that we both made it to important events in our families lives despite the toll this takes. Only others here know what a real effort this can be. Well done to you!
Best wishes
Veronica H

23-07-08, 20:20
Well done

:yesyes: , you have done great.

love mandie x

23-07-08, 20:22
One of our biggest problems is that we always concentrate on the bad things which is natural. It's a shame that things didn't go as planned but I really admire what you did do and I hope everyone arounds you appreciates what you put yourself through to be there. You really should be proud of yourself and try to concentrate on all the positive aspects from your point of view of the day.

Earlier this year my wife went into hospital with the baby due prematurely. Although only 15 minutes drive away I didn't see her for 5 weeks- I just couldn't do it. I obviously was not there for the birth and it was nearly 3 weeks before I saw my new son. It was a very hard time and unfortunately I have no positives to take from it but it's passed now. Naturally I keep going back there in my mind but I know I have to let go of those regrets because it really wasn't my fault.

In your case you were there so please don't beat yourself up too much about it. I think you've done great.

24-07-08, 15:44
Thank you one and all
Im just about coping at the moment - felt weird in the heat earlier today - 28 degrees is too hot in the UK!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I must look for an other job - interviews - ugh - another phobia!!!
Wenjoy xxx

Venus Calling
24-07-08, 16:10
I feel for you but you did good - had a similar experience at the cinema and it was awful. Makes you feel good when you get through it though - well done!

25-07-08, 10:29
To all you sufferers out ther - I think we have to push ourselves and face our fear and put up with the breathing funny,dizzinexs,etc etc coz when we have done it we feel so amazing - having said that I have dentist monday !! ugh!!
Wenjoy x

25-07-08, 10:52
I did it too Wenjioy! It was my graduation yesterday & my heart was racing as I was about to get on stage but I did it & I had a fab day. xxx

25-07-08, 14:48
Hey well done janeybaby25 - proud you did it - and bet your folks were proud of you!!!
Now gearing myself up for dentist on monday and trying to get a job as lost my last one as company closed down due to recession! I hate one to one face to face with people - I go red and panic breathe and sweat!!!! What a horrible picture I have just painted!! Wenjoy x