View Full Version : palpatations

29-04-05, 21:39
yesterday i went to asdas to do a bit of shopping(as you do)
and i desided to weigh myself on some big machine which does your BMI height and stuff, ohhhh and your pulse!!! hear i go.............
well the first time it tried to read it it was an error and they had to do it again, so i did, everything come out as expected but when i read my pulse it said it was 93! now im no expert but my friend is, she said it must be wrong its high, she knows me well and was there through my pregnancy and she knows ive always had a low pulse. shes adimant thats wrong, she asked what i was doing, ie running through the isles! no thing is it got me going, what if it is right, my mum had a heart attack at 38, im 26 i know but jesus. anyway my mind was going some and i kept waking with palpatations, strong ones at that, ive never experienced them really before, but now i am worried, im thinking about my thaught and my chest. ive a slight tightness now and im thinking what if it gets worse, what shal i do?!!! i know its my mind and me

29-04-05, 21:48
Hi KIMMY.Did you feel panicky? As my pluse has been at a 100 but when i went to hospital because it was so hight they sent a heart doctor down.Done test and turned out is was just panic. But im not saying that its the case With you. Haveyou had a ecg. or a 24 hour moniter. that way they can tell. I got it also had pains in left and right arm. But turns out everything is fine and it was all panic related..Maybe ask your doctor about the 24 hour moniter. There is no harm and maybe it will give you peice of mind...

Frances Gill
Love & Respect to you all...

29-04-05, 21:53
i was feeling fine, me and my boyfriend tried to feel for my pulse but couldnt find it! hehehehe

29-04-05, 22:00
Hi Kimmy

It sounds like its panic/anxiety when my anxiety was high my pulse was to and i got palpatations and the tight chest its all the symptoms of anxiety. I got told by my doctors it was all part of it and not to worry to much which is hard not to, i now get ectopic heartbeats and that is part of it aswell. Hope that helps.

linda xx

29-04-05, 22:53

You'd been walking round a shop,with trolley, talking and moving about .

93 is therefore an acceptable rate.

Incidentally, heart rate has very little do with heart attacks.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

30-04-05, 08:41
really?!!! thanks meg and everybody, my mum had a heart attack BUT shes a chronic smoker and had angina too. i do not and never have smoked. so ok ill rule that one out. thankin you again xxxxxxxxxx

30-04-05, 10:02
hi Kimmy,

As Meg says, that has nothing to do with it so please don't worry about it. Hope you can relax now!!

Sarah :D