View Full Version : nervous

30-04-05, 10:25
This may sound bizarre but when your nervous does anybody get themselves so worked up that they heave?. When I was working I used to do it whilst getting ready for work coz I was winding myself up!. Is it anxiety?. [?]

30-04-05, 11:29

i dont get this but have read that you can be physically sick whilst panicking, it is the fight or flight response that makes your bodies empty all its contents, so its faster to escape from the thing that is threating you, goes back to caveman times.

so i think it is very passible to feel like this.

i know when my kids are nervous they always say they feel sick.

i think the more you think about heaving the more you want to.

so frustrating that anxiety is caused by our thoughts

love Jane

30-04-05, 16:05
hi kirgray, Yes definatley I used to do that lots when i bet younger heaving eyes water like hell it was horrible. but havnt done it for ages now, but still feel very nousea at times with anxiety. take care. vernon

30-04-05, 16:13
Hi Kirgray,

Yes, I get this quite often. It starts with my throat feeling like it's all clogged up and then I start heaving :(

Horrible panic symptom!

Love Kate x

30-04-05, 17:04
cheers guys glad its not just me![Sigh...]. Its only if im really nervous about having to go somewhere that I really dont want to and Im working myself up thinking what is going to happen there, its just like a dry heave!. Nice hey!. X

30-04-05, 23:27
I've also had this at times due to anxiety.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

01-05-05, 08:52
hello kirsty yeah ive heard that. ive felt like i was going to but never have.[xx(]

01-05-05, 13:28
I'd heaved and been sick quiet a few times until I discovered that if I gulped tonic water early on and kept those burps going it would relieve it almost fully within minutes


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

03-05-05, 11:28
we have so many similar symptoms! I used to get this a lot when i had to travel on the trains to london for work. It got to the stage where it started happening when i was getting ready for work and i was actually sick every day before work to ensure it didnt happen on the train! I got the kind of dry heave thing and had difficulty swallowing too. It's definitely an anxiety thing- although that doesnt make it any easier to deal with but try not to worry as you are not alone.
Em x

05-09-05, 23:01
yer i have that a few tyms i gather that heaving is another word for being sick?

start in my throat like theres sumthing there keep trying to clear it

06-09-05, 00:08
Hi Mack

Yes it is another word for it.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".