View Full Version : i fear my symptoms!

23-07-08, 19:46
ok soo
it all started way back in January, wen I was laying in bed i felt My heart flutter but took no notice, the next Night the same thing, and by the third Night i was Totally in A state of Panic, i felt i was suffering with A severe terimnal illness, Seven months On and i feel Worse, im convinced im dieing or going to die, heres the symptoms

heart Palpitations and eptopics
fast heartbeat and pains in the heart area
feelins of sickness
genreal tired feeling all the time
Pins and needles,
feelings of head rush's
blurred vision
feeling sof unhappyness

i fear these feelings will never go away! AND THAT im suffering A hidden Illness :( pleasssse helppp - i no thousands are in the same boat, but i wanna find sumone who shares wat imsuffering from is It Aniexty Or A serious Illness it feels Like One :(

23-07-08, 20:04
well caggy you've just listed all the symptoms of someone who suffers anxiety, i remember them well. Have you been to a doc, if you feel that you are worried about an illness explain to the doc, he/she will do some tests, which no doubt will all come back normal, and then the hardest part is excepting that its anxiety.

the feelings of anxiety and panic are very frightening, but there is help out there, the quicker you except its anxiety the easier it is to deal with.

best wishes
di xx

23-07-08, 20:34
Hi Caggy

I have had or still have most of what u have listed and i suffer terrible anxiety.

Like Diane said the hardest part is accepting its anxiety.

Please go to your dr if u havent already.

love mandie x

23-07-08, 20:42
I can relate to those symptoms too. You've made the first step though by discussing as keeping it bottled up just fuels the anxiety and the symptoms. If you haven't been to the GP it would be a good idea to pay a visit. The GP should be able to refer you to someone for help in dealing with your anxiety.

I don't know if you have just realised it is anxiety you have but either way it is very scary when we have these sensations and don't know why they are happening. You'll get lots of good advice and reassurance here.

23-07-08, 21:20
Hi caggy

I think that every symptom you have listed I have also had, they certainly are symptoms of anxiety. I struggled for years with these symptoms and just couldn't accept them as anxiety, I truley thought there was something else wrong with me. Once I did start accepting them for what they were the easier they became to manage and now I am feeling so much better. I am not saying I am totally cured because the symptoms still pop up but I don't worry so much about them and by doing that they come less and less.

Take care


23-07-08, 23:31
Hi hun, :D :hugs:

I checked you list and add me to the list of having all those symptoms, you WILL find that all the people on NMP have had some, if not all of these symptoms hun :hugs:

I know its dame hard for you right now, to eccept its anxiety, but the more you feel its something else, the more you feed your anxiety, the more the symptoms come on. When we learn to eccept, it helps us move on a little.

When I was acute, I too found it very, very hard to eccept it was anxiety, I did get lots of checks by my gp, mmmm, but ohh boy, Mrs anxiety loves to play with us and it was very hard to learn to eccept it was anxiety.

Please, hun, take each symptom, DON'T, put them into the one basket, take each symptom AND read about it on her, put threads up and ask about each symptom, find out what goes on with the body, when in Pa or anxiety mode.

Read all you can about panic, anxiety, it does help.

YOU ARE NOT, going to die hun, this is Mrs anxiety playing with you, the first thing to go when we suffer pa's, high anxiety is are abilaty to reasure ourselves, Mrs anxiety is always about, putting 2 and 2 together and coming up with 5.

*** I fear these feelings will never go away! AND THAT im suffering A hidden Illness ***

YOU ARE NOT alone with this hun, it IS dame hard NOT to fear these symptoms, but your fear, will only fuel your anxiety, you have to try DAME hard to take the fear away.

YOU ARE NOT suffering a hidden illness, mmmm WELL, yes you are, Mrs anxiety hides, she is good at doing this, YOU CAN'T see her, BUT, you can feel her and what you can't see or understand, YOU FEAR, so learn all you can about, panic anxiety.

I do hope you get out of this great site, what I have and that is feeling better.

Keep posting, keep venting, it helps soo much to get things off your chest and talk to people who understand,



24-07-08, 01:16
I also ticked all the boxes and have done for 24 yrs now, now when my heart goes it tends to do it for a day then goes again and then comes back, it is usually worse when lying down but thats when it makes you more aware, now I tend to get more annoyed that its happening than frightened, if you havent been to the dr then go, if you have then please believe what they say, :hugs:

24-07-08, 12:23
Yes I agree. I think the key word here is that you fear your symptoms.

When you have chatted to your GP and they have reassured you it is anxiety the difficult part of accepting this will mean that you also need to loose the fear of the symptoms. When you no longer fear them they will start to go away.