View Full Version : medication withdrawal is freaking me out! :(

23-07-08, 21:07
I saw my doctor yesterday, and was diagnosed with Bipolar I, which is manic phases without depression. My mania is manifesting in severe anxiety and panic attacks... which explains alot, but it means Im changing meds to a mood stabilizer rather then an anti-anxiety.

so im stepping down in dose, and today is my first day and i feel awful. im having muscle cramps in my legs, my chest hurts, its tight, im dizzy, and completely spacy. I also have periods where I feel like im moving in slow motion. my stomach is rumbling like a volcano.

im at work, and im sitting at my desk scared and sick and i really want to go home.

i mostly just wanted to whine. thanks for reading.

23-07-08, 22:46
Hi Jen :D :hugs:

I am sorry to hear what your are going through hun,:hugs: I can't say I understand, because I have never had to withdraw from meds, you know what they say, so understand something you have to go through it.

It must be hard for you to stay focust, but you have to try and think of posititve pathways, coming off these meds it a good thing, when you get your new meds these will make you feel better.

My friends hubby is coming off meds, his meds are very strong, it is mophine (spell check) for pain, will not go into that, the side effects are not nice hun, but as the days go on the side effects get less and less, with any med.

You may find that there is may be a little anxiety mixed in with your withdawal hun :hugs: this is not easy to go through, BUT, YOU CAN DO IT, you know you can :hugs:

Please don;t say you are whining, YOUR NOT, your venting, it helps soo much to vent, to talk about things, to get things off your chest, keep posting, keep venting hun :bighug1:

YOU TAKE CARE :bighug1:


24-07-08, 01:42
It's really important that you let your doctor know exactly how the change in meds is affecting you. The doc can then adjust dosage or prescribe something to help with the side-effects, if necessary.

A big part is often psychological, you may be anticipating problems, which makes you anxious, and THAT can give you anxiety/panic attacks. Have you tried deep breathing techniques to calm yourself? Telling yourself "I'm OK - I can get through this - Relax - Calm down - It's gonna be ok".

24-07-08, 02:43
Jen, med withdraw is a harsh thing that lots go through. The panic attacks and anxiety of getting off the meds can be one of the hardest times you will face. The important thing to focus on is that you are alright and your going to be fine. I know its easier said then done and when done can be un done mentally 5 minutes later but just hang in there. Contact the doc and let them know that your having withdraw. Ask if there is anything that they can offer to help this. Oh i know this story oh so well i really feel for ya woman. I hope you can handle it and just hang in there till it gets better! keep us updated and hang in there again!

24-07-08, 16:02
thanks guys, i appreciate the kind words. im hanging in there. im trying to be kinder to myself than usual and remember to breathe. i was late for work today because i just could not get out of bed, which always stresses me out. but i made myself calm down and just got here, so that was good. and im feeling a little better physically. my stomach is still a wreck but my head feels clearer. so im just tryin to keep on truckin. hopefully tomorrow will be even better. :)

04-08-08, 04:16
Any updates ?

04-08-08, 05:13
Hope you are doing okay.