View Full Version : odd thoughts.

23-07-08, 21:58
Hi everyone. Havent been on here for a while. Been having CBT and finding it really good and of course the counsellor recomends that you stay of sites like these, but i find it helps me. Anyway i have depression and anxiety and sometimes dp and dr but i havent had it much lately. I was feeling much better but i started having thoughts about life and how pointless it is. I look at anything and think what is the point in this. I hate these feelings and dont have them all the time and the times i dont have them like last week, i think that im better and wont have the thoughts again, but they keep coming back and its making me feel really depressed. Im really worried thsat im gonna start really believing that there is no point inlife and do something stupid like kill myself. ( i really dont want to do this because ive had some one commit suicide) I know that suicidal thoughts are a part of depression but are these other thoughts becuase of depression or am i going insane. Sometimes i get really scarey thoughts like if my mother is in heaven (she dies in 2004) and heaven is as good as it is said to be then why r we all still on the earth. I feel like im getting delusional. Can anyone help me.

23-07-08, 22:31

You are definitely not going insane. I think most of us have had thoughts like this and it's only the frequency and strength of them that varies. I can't suggest anything as I think you would be better suited talking to an expert. I was going to say to focus on other things but if these things are recurring then they are not going to go away unless someone can help you deal with them.

I hope you get the help you are looking for. You are not alone.

all the best


23-07-08, 23:13
You need to discuss this with the counsellor and they will explain it all