View Full Version : incapacity

23-07-08, 22:15
do you think that its right to make us work.

23-07-08, 22:17
A strange first post but welcome.

In answer to the question then "yes I do" depending on the incapacity of course

milly jones
23-07-08, 22:26
welcome to nmp

love milly xx

23-07-08, 22:33
Hi there

Welcome to NMP!!

Sorry....US?.... We are all individuals here and our illness varies.

I have had anx most of my life and i have worked alot of the way through it. Some think work helps and others don't. Some work when they can, some don't work at all but like i said, our illness varies.
Can you please spesify which US you mean?

sorry don't mean to be rude


23-07-08, 22:34
as we know as anxiety sufferers one of the things we lack is confidence. if it is done in away where we can feel empowered it may benefit us. it has to be well planned and personal to the individuals. my concern would be is there are alot of people on incapacity and we would be strongly encouraged to do jobs we have no interest in therefore causing more distress and anxiety. it needs to be carefully thought out. education, training and constant support is needed

just my thoughts

Julie :)

23-07-08, 22:41

If I could work I would and up until 3 years ago I worked since leaving school. I'm sure as already said it will be dependant on the situation. In my current state nothing could get me out me out the door to work but if I could work from home I would.

All the best


24-07-08, 00:33
I dont see why we shouldnt work? if we can..but..to be made to work?
If your ill and cant work, then it must be even harder knowing you cant..and want too. But then again there are some people who will just use any excuse not too work (thats different) but everyone is different and we all know our own limitations.
Do you maybe mean the new limits the government are putting on benefits?
Thats aimed at mallingerers..who just are too lazy to work and use illness as a cop out..not people who are genuinely ill.
I work, but some days i find it very very hard to go out too work, and it would be so easy to just stay in bed and not go...but i push myself to go to work. It keeps me in touch with reality, makes me do things and makes me think..keeps my brain active, i meet and talk to people.
Id go mad at home all day everyday now..and i think id slowly slip back into my old ways of being agoraphobic too if i didnt have a reason to get up and go out a few days a week.

24-07-08, 10:08
Hiya :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along they way.
Keep posting with your troubles and fears and we will help you as much as we can. Work can be a great help to some ppl but can also be a big effort to others

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


24-07-08, 12:32
Hello Rainmanic And Welcome ,yes I Believe Everyone Should Work If They Can Physically Or Mentally.........wish Ya Well......linda