View Full Version : Don't know what to do !

24-07-08, 01:43
Went to the doctor's today to see him about my anxiety on a night.I explained that I have panic attacks mainly in the early hours and I have terrible insomnia mainly caused by worrying and not being able to switch off. He listened well and prescribed me some sleeping tablets called Zolpidem as a short term measure.

I felt pleased that I had finally got somewhere but when I got home after reading the accompanying leaflet I have changed my mind about the tablets.
The side effects are bad and it advises that if you suffer from ANY! form of mental illness then they shouldn't be taken. I am really scared now and frightened to take them. I got upset as for weeks now Iv'e battled with this bloody anxiety and now I have finally got somewhere it's all gone to pot. My husband said that I should try one and see what happens but what if I react badly and something does happen.It says there is risk of memory loss and let's face it they are altering the brain so some affects are possible.

I have always been frightened of taking tablets and only take painkillers when really necessary.I also have kidney disfunction and it states that extreme caution should be taken with patients with this disease.
I am frightened that once taken I will go to sleep and something will happen to my brain and that's it,I could go into a coma or have a bleed or something,I know it sounds a bit far fetched but that's how I feel.

I feel as though all avenues of help are closed to me because of my stupid fears and I will be trapped in this world of what if's forever.:weep:

24-07-08, 02:03
Have you googled "Zolpidem"?

Wikipedia says it is approved for the short-term (usually two to six weeks) treatment of insomnia.
The United States Air Force (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Air_Force) uses zolpidem as a substitute for temazepam (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temazepam), to help pilots sleep after a mission.

Have you taken one yet? Are you sure that your posting at 1:45am is not just a sign of your early-hours panic attack? (I'm not being dismissive of your concerns - just pointing out the coincidence).

What if you try a half-dose, with a glass of warm milk, and see if it helps you sleep?

24-07-08, 04:00
Hello Mothermac:hugs: ,

I'm sure your doctor will have checked your notes to make sure it would be safe for you to take them but if you have concerns, ring your surgery tomorrow and ask to speak to your doctor. The doctor will normally ring back when they're free and then you can share your concerns with him so he can reassure you.

It's what I've always done and the surgery has always been very helpful.:hugs:

milly jones
24-07-08, 10:00
hi hun

like u i suffer from night pas

i was given zopiclone and took them for several months and they helped try to establish a better sleep pattern.

they also changed my anti dep to a more sedating one. my night pas are few now, and i feel much more refreshed as i do understand how the nightly sleep deprivation builds up to an intolerable level. i was only getting 2-3 hours before they hit each night.

i would take ur gps advise hun and try and break the cycle before it takes hold

love milly xxxx