View Full Version : Tingling lips?

30-04-05, 20:19
Hi all, have noticed today that my lips feel tingly almost quivery! Is this all part of anxiety? Don't feel overly trembly anywhere else. Any info? kt x

Be gentle and you will need no strength, be patient and you will achieve all things.

30-04-05, 20:51
hi Kt,

My lips feel tingly quite often when I'm anxious. My lips and cheecks are normally the first things to go numb. Just another symptom..

Sarah :D

30-04-05, 21:19

Yes , its surely one of the many symptoms of anxiety, felt this quite a few times, and also the gums.

Take care.

**A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be.**

30-04-05, 21:48
I feel this a lot.....nothing to worry about.

30-04-05, 22:45
Thanks for replying. My mind is at ease once again! (till next time!! LOL) Big hugs, KT x

Be gentle and you will need no strength, be patient and you will achieve all things.

01-05-05, 08:29
yeah it is a symptom, its to do with you breathing or something, that was one of the first syptoms of my panic attack, it spread around my face the more i hyperventilated xxxxxx

to change your world you need to change your thaughts xxx

good luck xx

01-05-05, 09:18

Yep it's Mr Anxiety rearing his ugly head once again.
Glad you feel reassured

Take care

Elaine x

21-08-05, 12:36
I was terrified of my numb lips when I had them for the first time last week. This website is such a godsend and is helping me along so much in my more anxious moments especially :) My numbness also spreads more across my head the more anxious I get, pretty damn frightening it is I must say. But I just do my best to get on with it an hope it will pass one day soon, have been numb for about a month now :(


21-08-05, 12:43
Glad we're helping you Dean... and I'm glad that you are managing to find old posts that are relevant to you

Numbness is quite a common symptom though of a variety of places

Numbness in arm (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2671)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

21-08-05, 13:16
Thank you Meg. It really is so difficult to cope with at times, but I do find it can help to be around friends or family. It usually hits me worst last thing at night or first thing in the morning. Kind of hate being alone too, but I also know deep down that I do have a history of depression and anxiety. While this has been unbearable in the extreme for me at times, I also try and use it to reassure myself that this is nothing life threatening and that I can beat it with time. Just been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster over the past few months I guess.

Dean x

21-08-05, 13:47
Hi Dean,

Tingly or numb lips - absolutely!!

I used to think it was an allergic reaction to my lipstick - but then realised it was part and parcel of anxiety.

Love Piglet:)

24-02-17, 21:13
Hi I'm 36 and I've had numbness of the left side of my lips for 3 years on and off and also pains down my left arm and neck I've had a mri and bloods and all I get is its anxiety I'm so so scared it isn't it makes me feel awful I don't think I'm anxious I can have these symptoms for weeks then goes for months and comes back I'm so scared