View Full Version : I want to be me again!!

24-07-08, 16:38
Hi Everyone

Been suffering with anxiety for almost 12 months now and on the whole manage to cope with it really well. Manage to hold down full time job, part time study and running of house!! However, most days just feel as though I'm existing and not really living. Part of me feels really guilty when I read posts from other people who are suffering really badly, but I just want to get back to how I was before! Any suggestions what I can do to help myself or am I likely to always feel like this?


24-07-08, 16:59
I think your doing brilliant at the mo,holding down a job,study and looking after a house.Dont ever feel guilty,you are a sufferer like all of us here.
Have you seen your gp about the anxiety?:hugs:

24-07-08, 18:02
Hi Yorkylover

Thanks for your reply. I was put on 80mg Propranolol last year but only stayed on them a month cos they made me too tired too function! Seen a locum doctor in June just before my exams and he gave me 10mg propranolol to take as needed but was too scared when I read the side effects!:scared15:

Im not against meds if necessary but I'd rather do without them if I can. I tried St Johns Wort for 6 months but it didn't do much for me.

Just fed up of feeling like this. Although I do manage to work and study thats about all I do, I can't seem to work up much enthusiasm to do anything socially. Some days are so hard it takes a mammoth effort to get up for work, although I do tend to feel better once I'm there! xx

24-07-08, 19:10
Hi there I'm new here and been reading your post and know what you are going through I am at work today feeling ok yesterday didn't come. been doing this now for a month now. since I get dizzy most times they say it comes from the anxiety I've been on bp meds and still get dizzy at home mu bp is ok. Anyway do you get dizzy through out the day even on your bp meds?

25-07-08, 20:31
Same here. Work, family etc. I don't think I'll ever be the same person I was and have accepted that now although it was very hard. I don't like the new me, always worried, always waiting for something bad to happen etc but the fun loving girl is well and truly gone! Something we just have to accept?
