View Full Version : fed up

sarah peacock
24-07-08, 19:08
I've been feeling really low the last couple of days. I have no energy to do anything. I keep getting these horrible shooting pains through my head. i feel really depersonalised all of the time and dizzy.I've not been out of the house for weeks either and been inside all the time really doesn't help. I feel like I think lately i've had every symptom there is going. If it's not one thing it's another lately. If it wasn't for my partner i don't know where i'd be now.. Sometimes i feel like i should be locked up and sedated heavily so i don't have to think any more. I'm sick and tired of worrying all of the time and i can't stop thinking about dying and it really scares me. I know i sound really morbid but sometimes it helps for me to just write everything down that i'm feeling. I haven't been out of the house in weeks either, which really doesn't help. I'm beginning to feel like a right hermit. sorry guys but i just had to get that off my chest.

24-07-08, 19:22
Hey Sarah I've been feeling like this for months to sacred of that dizziness. You sound similar as my feelings. I was even thinking about taking time out from work to I just called in sick yesterday cause I just was felling anxious. I'm at work to day feeling ok. just readding up on this web sight though ia making me feel a little better to hear and reply to people. I alway thinking of my health too been in and out of the ER. have heart monitor on been to the neurologist he says I might be having inner ear problems. Anyway have you gone to the Doctors yet?

24-07-08, 19:25

Sorry to hear how u are feeling.

I have that depersonalisation at the moment and get dizzy often

Have u been to your gp? If so are u on any meds or have u had any counselling?

:hugs: love mandie x

sarah peacock
24-07-08, 22:07
Hey guys, thanks for your support.No i haven't been to the doctors in ages, i'm too affraid of what he might say.I'm currently taking propanalol which i've been taking for the last 6 yrs but i've been trying to cut down and i've gone from 40mg to 10mg. I'm thinking maybe i should up the dose again and also start taking citalapram aswell. I've had several councilling sessions which seem to work for a while but i always seem to end up bk to square one. I'm just at a loss at the moment. :scared15:

24-07-08, 22:42
Hi Sarah
I am quite new to NP as well and have found it great in the middle of the night when I can't sleep.
Sorry you are feeling pretty crap at the moment,anxiety has the habit of creeping up on you when you least expect it.I have suffered from it all my life in one form or another but it has been much much worse the past 5 yrs.
You say that you are taking propanolol and have decreased the dose so it could be that that is making you feel queer,I would pop along to the docs and discuss the possible side effects.
Regarding going out I always think that problems seem overwhelming when you don't get a change of scenery. If you sit in constantly you will think more and probably have a battle with your anxiety so even if it is only to go for a walk I would try and go out somewhere if you can.
Thinking about death is bad and life is for living,so try and take up a hobby anything to get your mind focused.I tend to think about it too but try and do something else when I know it's coming on.I do the garden,read or come on here.
I hope you feel better tomorrow pet and try not to worry
Love Mothermac xxxxxx

sarah peacock
26-07-08, 13:00
thanks to all of you guys for your advic

26-07-08, 13:24
Hi Sarah

just wanted to send you lots of love and hugs m- this anxiety is horrible and I also think this wierd weather not helping xxxxxxxxxxxx

26-07-08, 13:59
Hi sorry u arent feeling well ..I am exactly the same I feel so out of myself and constantly dizzy Im off work sick so have been in the house I have gone out for tiny walks but 2day I just want 2 curl up in bed and go 2 sleep as thats the only time im not anxious x

Have u dropped yr medication gradually or gone straight from 40mg to 10mg in 1 go .....dropping your meds will make you feel a bit more anxious especially if you have done it in 1 big drop .

When you feel really bad just stand in the garden and take deep breaths and remember you can beat this xxxx
Titch xxxxx

sarah peacock
31-07-08, 00:42
Hey people. I've been feeling abit better this week. I've had my moments but that's nowt new. I went all weekend without my medication because i forgot to pick my prescription up so i felt really shakey and my heart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest. I felt on the verge of panic a couple of times but i managed to control it.:yesyes: