View Full Version : Anyone have this?

24-07-08, 21:11
I've been suffering panic for a long while now. I had a really bad spell earlier this year bordering on a breakdown. Gradually I began to recover but now I seem to be slipping back again and making excuses not to go out the house.

I was wondering if others have similar symptoms to myself. Legs feel wobbly and weak. Gasping for breath. Tight chest. Shakiness. Feeling that I might faint and early morning panics.

I am on Citalopram and the occasional Diazapam (which usually calms me down).

Do others have similar symptoms to myself?

Thank you.


24-07-08, 21:22
Hi Sunny,

Yes I've had all of those and you are definitely not alone. All are anxious symptoms and I've had all of them at the same time too. They are all connected to the body's flight or fight response and our reaction to it. Probably the worst sensation is the breathing which is unnatural and has us feeling like we are not in control. You could try blowing into a paper bag in regular breaths which works for some people though not all. I've found trying to regulate my breathing only makes me worse so instead I've come to accept that I can still breathe, it will pass and it is not doing me any damage which strangely in certain situations has helped alot.

All the best


milly jones
24-07-08, 21:35
there's loads of information on the nmp website regarding dealing with pas and anx

the top tip section of the forum also has some useful ideas

love milly xx

25-07-08, 09:29
hi sunny,
yes i feel exactly the same as you. there was a really good thread the other day about being unable to snatch a breath, i think you would find it really helpful. i also get wobbly, feel dizzy and faint, seem to be more panicky in the morning, feel like my balance is affected, and loads of other horrible symptoms. i dont havev any answers im afraid but i find just knowing that im not alone really helps me cope.
hope you are ok.
take good care
love kelly xxx

25-07-08, 19:20
Thank you all for your kind replies. It's so good to know that I'm not alone in this. (Not that I would wish it on anyone of course!). I've taken your advice and read the information on panic on this site Milly. Thank you for pointing it out to me. It's been really helpful to see that my symptoms are quite common and not something that I alone am suffering from.

Kelly, I've found that thread about snatching a breath and it's really interesting. I never knew so many people suffered from this problem before.
As for feeling wobbly and faint, I'm sorry that you too suffer with this. It's horrid, isn't it? It feels like a living nightmare. I'm glad I'm not on my own in this though.

Take care all of you. You're wonderful people.


25-07-08, 19:35
Hello reading that was like reading about me..Im exactly the same all those symptoms are what I have at the moment and they arent very nice at all I just remember they are false feelings ...i suffer with morning anxiety I even had 2 cancel my docs app 2 day as it was a morning app and re book it 4 the late surgery ...strange isnt it xxx

Im on citalopram and have diazepam incas I have a realy bad episode like last Friday which I thought was a breakdown but was apparantley a severe panic attack x

There is lots of help on here and you can always talk 2 someone who knows exactly how you feel x
Take care spk soon
Titch x

25-07-08, 19:39
Hi Sunny

You are certainly not alone feeling like this, I think I have been through each one of those symptoms and know exactly how you feel. Finding this site really helped me to get my life back on the right track hope it helps you the same way.

Take care