View Full Version : Its 4am and im on the computer!!!

25-07-08, 04:23
HI, Thought it might help me, to tell you all about me! (well even if nobody reads it, it helps to get it off my mind!)

Im 38 and about a year and a half ago I had a baby, ten days after I woke up around 4am (do you see the pattern!) feeling very ill. I ignored it and went back to bed feeling awful. Anyway several days later it happened again, this time i had a nice ride in an ambulance. I had some tests and it turned out I had had a Heart attack due to a dissection of one of my arteries!!!!. Talk about shock!!! there was more to come, I had only days to live if I didn't have an operation! I was rushed to another hospital where i had an emergency double heart bypass.

Now the physical recovery has been good the damage my heart has totally gone and is now pumping 100% (Unheard of so quick or so they tell me, I was very fit before and this kept me alive!).

The recovery to my head has not gone well, I have been on prozac for about a year now and have had to ..up my dose as it seemed to be wearing off!
I wake up in the early hours of the morning and think I must be having another heart attack and then I feel the panic rise in me. I have ended up I suppose understandably in A&E a few times. Then a kind doctor sat with me and explained about the stress I have been through and the effect it has on the body, and that what i was experiencing was a panic attack. It calmed them down a bit, but I still have them and they are still as scary.

I do feel sorry for myself sometimes and feel really annoyed that I had to go through this, but at the end of the day. Im still here and Im lucky, most women are diagnosed after death with a dissection!.

Anyway I have had various forms of help from hospitals to therapy and people tell me I will get better with time when my stress levels go down.

It feels very lonely at this time in the morning though.


25-07-08, 04:28
OMG, I am so sorry that you have had to go through so much. It is no wonder you worry. It is wonderful that you have recovered physically. It sounds now like major anxiety and almost a post traumatic stress issue. You have been through something major and your feelings are completely valid. But I can see how you would want to get things under control. This is a wonderful forum and even if its 4am for you, for me in Canada I am still up and here if you need an ear to listen. Huge hugs to you. And a big Welcome to the forum it truly is a wonderful place.

25-07-08, 04:37
Aw thanx, I have been diagnosed with post traumatic stress but didn't want to say it sounds so dramatic. People tend to have it after going to war, although to be fair I feel like I have been to hell and back!! LOL!
Anyway its nice to meet you.

25-07-08, 16:21

Welcome to nmp. What a truely shocking experience that must have been for you. I can't even begin to imagine what that situation must have felt like and it's little wonder it's left it's mental effect.

I hope you get some relief from this. There will be something out there that can hopefully ease this and hopefully someone will find it for you. As far as the panic goes you are definitely not alone so I hope you can find some comfort in like minded people.

All the best


25-07-08, 19:34
Thankyou, I never really thought much about the subject until this was thrust upon me. Im normally so calm and laid back! I just want me back again.


25-07-08, 20:31
I just want me back again.

I think we can all relate to that. Where people might want money, fame, etc. I just want my normal mundane life back and to just do the boring things I did before.

25-07-08, 21:16

Wow you have been through such a lot - no wonder it is taking its toll on you.

I just wanted to :welcome: you aboard and lovely to see you here.

25-07-08, 21:50
Hello Gilly

:welcome: to the site I am sure you will get lots of good advice and support on here

Take care


milly jones
25-07-08, 23:36
welcome to nmp hun

there are loads of ppl here with lots of different types of anx here

all are welcome

milly xxx

26-07-08, 10:19
Thankyou, its just reassuring to know that im not a freak, and you can't just snap out of it like my parents seem to think I should be doing!!!


27-07-08, 15:00
Hello Gilly You Sound Like A Brave Lady You Have Been Thru Alot , Welcome To The Site Im Sure You Will Find Lots Of Information And Support,wish Ya Well,linda

27-07-08, 21:45
Hiya :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here. You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
keep posting and we will help you as much as we can.

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


28-07-08, 08:45
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

28-07-08, 17:37
Hi Gilly,

Welcome to the site. I would imagine all you have been through was very scary and difficult to get over. I hope we can be of some help.

Take care,
