View Full Version : Needing accurate opinions

25-07-08, 06:14
Hello,My name is Amelia. I am 18 years old, and I think I have a panic disorder. My space bar is broken so please forgive the typos. At first I never took things seriously, I once had an episode where I seriously had trouble breathing because my brother got me screaming and he was threatening to physical hurt me, so I left the house trying to get air. I thought it was just one strange random thing. Since then I have had episodes where it feels like my chest will not rise enough for me to breathe. I always pushed it aside with the blame of allergies. Recently someone had entered my house without warning one night, I was the onlyone in a family of 5 awake at 2 am and I realized something was going on when I saw cops on the highway and outside. After looking out front I heard a knock on my back door, and ran inside to see and the man had forcibly entered the unlocked back door, and wasfleeing cops. He was high, drunk, and smelled 3 kinds of horrible from running from the highway I live next to through the city land swamp junk to my back door. I knew there were cops out front but I was not going to leave the man pleading for help in my house alone. I kept him talking for a couple minutes until my mother woke up due to the dog barking and went to get the cop out front. They came in and maced him and took him away. After the cops thoroughly questioned me, and left, I tried to relax. I started to shake and tremble, I couldn't get my muscles to relax. I panicked and my mom gave me a spare vicodin and I went to sleep. since then I have had similar experiences more frequently where I feel out of my body, unable to move without extreme effort, and i feel tense, shaky, and sick. It's happened most recently while driving on the highway. I get flustered and angry, especially with my boyfriend when this happens, because he tries to tell me how to drive and repeatedly says relax but it just puts me more on edge and I endup yelling at him to shut up. I don't like gettingangry with him and I don'tknow why him telling me to relax bothers me so much when I can't. Someone please give me an honest opinion about what is happening with me. I just need to know why this is happening and what to do about it, if I actually should see anyoneabout it. My health insurance doesnt cover much and I am low income, sohonest opinions are much obliged. Thank you.

25-07-08, 15:07
Hi Amelia,

It sounds very much like you do need help and personally I think it would be better to seek it now rather than wait. From my own situation I got very bad because of a combination of not seeking help and the doctors misdiagnosing me. If I could do it all again I'd have gone straight to the docs with my own diagnosis but that is not to be.

Others may have a better suggestion. Maybe you can self help yourself without the need of intervention from medical services. To be honest I don't know but from experience I'd say it's not a good idea to leave things as they are as they can over time get worse.

I wish you all the best. That must have been a really frightening experience that would have affected anybody. I hope you find something to help you through.

All the best


25-07-08, 18:39
Hello Amelia

Welcome to the site. I does sound like you have some kind of anxiety and panic disorder and it would be a good idea to get it checked out by a doctor. You will find many people on this site who can understand what you are going through and will offer you some very good advice and support.

Take care


25-07-08, 21:17
Hi Amelia

I just wanted to :welcome: you aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get loads of support and advice on here and meet some lovely people.

milly jones
25-07-08, 23:06
hi amelia

wow what a nasty experience.

welcome to nmp hun

milly xx

25-07-08, 23:34
It sounds like a perfectly healthy normal reaction to a stressful situation. During the incident you probably had a mega-charge of adrenaline keeping you hyper-alert, and when the police took the intruder away and the incident was over, you probably went into a form of shock, as the realization of the incident sunk in.

I think you handled the whole incident with a lot of courage and intelligence, by keeping him talking while your mum fetched the cops. You should be proud of yourself.

26-07-08, 19:14
Hiya :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along they way.
talking about your feelings to other who understand what you are going through and the struggles you endure is a great help so keep posting and we will help you as much as we can.

Take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


27-07-08, 14:52
Hello Amelia And Welcome To The Site What I Agree With What Kendo Said , But I Believe You Should Maybe See A Councelor On This , I Wish Ya Well,linda