View Full Version : Constant swallowing of saliva

25-07-08, 08:11
Hello everyone,

This is sort of hard to explain. You know how your body automatically blinks for you, automatically breathes? Well, I can't stop swallowing my saliva that builds up. I can't focus on anything and my mind is constantly focused on swallowing more saliva.

I'm very worried that this will carry into the school year and prevent me from having an enjoyable senior year.

26-07-08, 18:09

26-07-08, 18:26

I don't know if this is the same as me but I do find I do this on a regular basis but I've also noticed it's only when I sit and think about it. For all I know I may be doing it constantly but when I notice it I find it hard to move my thoughts away from it. For the last month I've had really blocked sinuses so I think it could be the cause. Then again it may be nothing and I might be reading more into it.

If there are times when you are not aware of it then it is probably nothing.

All the best


26-07-08, 21:40
Hi hun, :D:hugs:

My daughter had access saliva due to anxiety for along time, in fact at one point in the night, when she was asleep, it sounded like she was drinking a glass of water. She had not had this in along time and is panic high anxiety free, maneges her anx well now. I am soo proud of her :D

I am panic, high anx free becasue of this great site, :yesyes:

I am sitting her now, reading your thread, what happens then, I notice my own saliva, mmm, yes I get alot, mmmm but, never notice it, but noticed it reading your thread, your thread made me aware of it, do you know what I mean, but its noo probs for me.

From what I know about anxiety, we can get fixated on a symptom, the more we notice the more we ask WHY, when we are acute, Mrs anx is present and we seem to put 2 and 2 together and come up with 5.

We start to think, ohh what if this, what if that and ohhh boy, Mrs anxiety loves this, she feeds on what if's.

The fact you are very worried it will carry on into the school year is feeding your anxiety hun, I know its dame hard, :hugs:but you have to try and take the worrying thoughts away. YOU HAVE NO prof that its going to last that long,

I know its dame hard NOT to think about the saliva, but hun, you have to think really hard on this, is there a time, when you have been distracted, totaly distracted and you did NOT notice it hun ? Learning to analize things is dame hard, cos, Mrs anxiety is always about, telling you her negative, so, you have to look really hard, FIND THE prof, so to speak, that when you are distracted you don't notice it, its not with you all the time, this helps us move on a little. I know through my daughter, using distractoins with this symptom worked for her, over time. Helping her to understand, that ALL people get saliva, its just that at this present moment in time, Mr anx has homed in on it, it will pass, with leaning distration, and re-progamming her mind, not to focus on it, it will pass, IN TIME.

I do know this can be anxiety realted, but if you have concerns hun and Mrs anixety is really playing with you and reading this forums is not reasuring you, pop along to your gp, peace of mind goes along way.

There are threads on her about this hun, not sure where they are, take a look around the symptoms page.

YOU take care hun, I do hope this passes soon for you, it will pass hun, but you have to work DAME hard with your thought pattens


27-07-08, 14:45
I noticed you are from the Us as I am. I had this problem for awile. Excessive saliva and always swallowing which led to air bubbles in my cheast and burping all the time. There is a mouth wash here in the states that will help you. It is called Oasis. It helps kill the excess moisture and helps with dry mouth and burning tongue if you ever get that. I hope this helps take care.:shades:

27-07-08, 15:00
I am sitting her now, reading your thread, what happens then, I notice my own saliva, mmm, yes I get alot, mmmm but, never notice it, but noticed it reading your thread, your thread made me aware of it, do you know what I mean, but its noo probs for me.

Exactly the same thing happened to me. Even now I'm thinking about it again. As you say when we notice something we tend to fix on it thereafter.