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View Full Version : Women please I am worried

25-07-08, 08:57
I'm having a terrible time with my HA at the moment, I have just been reassured about one symptom and now another one appears. I am 51 and about 5 years ago having stopped taking the mini pill experienced bleeding between my periods. This was investigated by way of biopsy of the lining of my womb and cervix, both came back ok. Gyno recommended I have a mirena coil fitted but I had that removed 2 years ago. I am now getting irregular bleeding again. Just finished one period (which started 14 days after my previous one) and for the past 6 days I have been getting a pink show each time I do to the loo (never goes that browny colour so it's fresh blood), it is when I use my muscles below if you get what I mean, it seams to push it out. So I have been bleeding now (if only very very lightly) for the past 17 days. My periods aren't particularly heavy or anything. I also have an aching on my right side but have been to my GP about this before and had a scan which was also ok. I have an appintment with my GP this orning but feel so scared that he is going to refer me for further tests. I can't seem to be able to cope with all this anxiety at the moment. Has anyone else experienced similar symptoms. Just wondering whether it's the start of the menopause.

25-07-08, 09:08
:hugs: Awwwww Mary8, I'm sure your GP will give you some reassurance. I really can't advise, I have the Mirina Coil which keeps things under control. I'm sure some other folks will be able to give you some more help.

All the best and sending :bighug1: try not to worry x

25-07-08, 09:12
Sounds like the perimenopause to me. Classic symptom is a change in your period pattern.

Maybe ask your GP for a blood test to confirm that you are entering perimenopause merely to put your mind at ease regarding your symptoms.


25-07-08, 10:03
Hi Mary

I am 48 and I am going through something very similar to you. I believe this is the start of the menopause. My periods are quite regular but in between I get slight bleeding for days at a time and I too am experiencing many aches and pains.

I am sure you will get reassurance from your GP


25-07-08, 10:15
Also irregular bleeding is a side effect of coming off birthcontrol.

25-07-08, 11:04
As you have been off the mini pill for 5 years and the coil for 2 years
your periods should have settled back into a routine by now
but given your age hun i would think that you are now going through the change
Iregular bleeding is very commen at this time
i remember both my mother and mom in law copeing with the iregular bleeding
and the dizzy spells/hot sweats/mood swings
my mother in law was lucky if she got a break in the bleeding some months and then some times it would go for a few months and then it would come back with a vengence.
Has your doc not suggested that you may be going through the change?
Im suprised if he aint and you should ask him about it.
there is a test they can do to find this out for you hun
my sis and sis in law have had it done and are now both on HRT tablets.
PLease try not to worry


25-07-08, 12:30
Thank you all so much for your messages they have been such a comfort to me. I have now been to see my GP and he is referring me for a scan but said he is almost certain it's menopausal and wasn't unduly concerned so I suppose I should take what he said on board and try not to worry about the scan. Take care.

25-07-08, 23:00
I am just 47 yrs old and for past 2 years have been experiencing every possible combination of bleeding and not bleeding you can think of. I started with my normal ovulation pain that lasted no more than 2 days since a teenager becoming very severe and lasting 10 days. this went on for a year and I had ultrasound and all normal. then I got the missed periods going up to 8 weeks between but then I would start spotting for up to 6 weeks at a time always ending with 4 days phenomanol bleed that was scary. I had ultrasound, hysteroscopy, biopsy D&c and ovarian cancer blood test and all compeltely normal - told it was my age perimemopausal. I then went 4 months bleed free and thought maybe it had finished but then all started again and now am bleeding regularly every 26 days. Some months extremely lightly for 3 days and some months very heavy for a few days and dribbling for a week!!!! I am just getting hot flushes as well.

So it is possible to have extremely weird bleeding and all be normal and its just hormonal but tis always best to get checked out just in case.