View Full Version : Terrible Trapped Wind Caused By Anxiety!!

25-07-08, 09:57

Does anyone suffer with trapped wind due to anxiety?I have IBS anyway so that doesnt help.But this trapped wind is a nitemare...I cann feel it in my lower abdomen and sometimes I can feel it in my hips and lower back....etcetcetc??

Can anyone relate to this?


25-07-08, 10:07
I get it trapped in my stomach just under my left ribs and into my back sometimes. It is agony and can cause me to be even more anxious as the pain can be very sharp at times. Some times it feels like someone has blown a balloon up underneath my ribs!

25-07-08, 10:11
Its awful isnt it as you think that there is more to it hey???I hate the way anxiety is takingober my body :-(..............................

Em xxx

25-07-08, 10:52
I hate it too. I wonder if I will ever feel better some days because some days I struggle to even get myself out of bed. I wonder how there can't be anything really wrong.

25-07-08, 11:02
I was like that in the beginning but my meds had helped me to change that thank god.....Do you get pains all over? I am constantly worrying about these pains and my back feels so tense all the time???Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! !!!!!!!I constantly worry that i have some fatal disease???I hate it???????????????????I cant the thougght out of my head.Are you the same?xxx

25-07-08, 11:09
Yes exactly the same. Today I ache all over and feel awful. My whole spine hurts and my mind takes over and think cancer has got into my bones or something. But rationally I know my blood tests last month were ok so eventually I go back to realising it's a bug or something. Not before I've got myself into a state though.

I just want so desperatly to feel well for just one day!

It's not like I can blame old age either as I'm only 30! I feel like an 80 year old some days.

25-07-08, 11:26
Im only 29 aswell I hate it..D you suffer with backache aswell ????????????????I had blood tests in march..My blood count was fine and nothing abnormal....Ifr i had the C word surely it wouldve shown an abnormality..???Do you have the pains all day??aS SOON AS I WAKE UP i have it..Sometimes I have good days like a couple of weekends ago I kept myself busy....So annoying..Since ive had this anxiety aswell I had bad acid reflux which has got better as im on meds but i still get a funny taste when i breath,,,,,,The doc has told me this is all anxiety related?????


25-07-08, 11:34
Yes exactly the same as you. I think acid can also be related to your posture apparently. I have bouts of reflux which comes and goes but it is so painful sometimes. I had my gallbladder removed a few years back though so I don't know whether that is contributing to the problem. I don't seem to be able to eat certain things.

The back ache I have had for about 6 months. It started in my shoulder and lower back but now it is all over and in my legs. My legs and hips ache all the time. I get twitching all over and cramp in my feet. It's a real nightmare. I'm not overweight and I eat fairly healthily and try to even more now.

I just don't seem to be getting any better. SOme days I fear I will fall asleep at my desk!

25-07-08, 11:50
Is it ok to email you if you an en email as I am at work so i can send it straight from my email??? if you want to try and email me as a test its emma.clark@charleswells.co.uk. Em x

25-07-08, 13:08
I get really bad trapped wind to,I find warm boiled water is soothing and peppermint tea.
The aches and pains all sound like anxiety,and anxiety does cause alot of tummy problems.:hugs:

25-07-08, 14:04
Thank you Yorkie Lover.

I find that even if i take paracetamol or ibuprofen the pains dont go..Do you think they are anxiety related???

clarkybird x

25-07-08, 23:20
Yes could be,but I also have to stay away from certain foods like dairy,and some veg that cause me to have wind.:weep:

26-07-08, 01:31
maybe a bit of a cross over here but I get dreadful acid reflux, actually dreadfull doesnt describe it, I take meds every day for it and if I forget i know by lunch time, im talking heart attack type pains in my chest that can last for hrs until im sick although since gall bladder removal much betterand now get it a few times a year instead of few times a day. I read somewhere that when you are stressed the first thing to suffer is the digestive system so its no wonder why we get stomach problems.

26-07-08, 09:51

I've had my gallbladder removed and I find I can't eat some stuff now without it giving me heartburn. Do you have any side effects from having yours out? And when did you have it done?

26-07-08, 22:31
I had mine out 2 years ago and about 2 years before that started having problems, acid reflux was beyond painful, I was put on lansoprazole tabs which helped until my gallstones really started to kick off. I still take the meds now although I have reduced the dosage by half but will be on them forever now as my stomach produces too much acid. If im having anything spicy or drinking wine then I take 1 tab in morning and another an hour before eating or drinking, I also take gaviscon before bed about 4 or 5 times a week as needed. I think im stuck like this now. I also have adhesions from the op but thats another story lol.