View Full Version : bad day

25-07-08, 11:54
AAArggghhhhh having a bad day 2 day woke up feeling anxious and cancelled my docs app cus i just couldnt go ...ive re booked it .

I have been going 4 litle walks each day but today has knocked me about ..I went for walk but not very far I felt so giddy and had jelly legs .
Ive just bought the book feel the fear and do it anyway has any1 else read it ?

I had a virus 2 weeks ago which has left me with a cough and pains in my ribs so each time I do go 4 a walk it hurts andI just feel generally unwell does any1 else have days like this ?

Hope every1s ok xxxxx

25-07-08, 12:54
Yes i have days like this and know how you feel , sometimes i debate whether or not i can even walk to my letter box and back.There have been times i haven't made it out the frontdoor....hoping tomorrow is better for you.

25-07-08, 12:59
hi titch sorry u having a bad day hun, if u have had a virus then that can take it out of you and make u tired and feel run down. im glad u been going for walks cos although u may not feel up to it, its good to get some exercise.

im sure tomorrow will be a better day, i get days where i just cant be bothered then i get days where i am really good and up for anything. try to think positive and set little goals and make a list of all the things in life that u want to do and would make u happy, whether they realistic or not and wotk through your lise and see wot u can make happen, i always have visions they keep me going haha, i also have made lots of changes over the years to make my life better xx

25-07-08, 13:00
Im going through a rough patch at the mo,and I find it always sets me back.My anxiety has been bad so Im unable to do bits that I can usually do.
Your not alone in how you are feeling.:hugs:

25-07-08, 13:05
awww hugs to yorky xxxxxxxxxxx

25-07-08, 13:45
Thanx every1 ..its just sooooo frustrating as I seem 2 have few ok days then WAM !!! back 2 feeling horrible again ....Im stressing about going bak 2 work as I work at a very busy Sainsburys and cant even get out of house letalone work in a supermarket .xxx

25-07-08, 13:47
Im going through a rough patch at the mo,and I find it always sets me back.My anxiety has been bad so Im unable to do bits that I can usually do.
Your not alone in how you are feeling.:hugs:

Sorry 2 hear your having a rough time .....has anything in particulary set it off or just a rough time xxx

Thanx for message hope you feel better soon xxxx:)

25-07-08, 15:14
I've had plenty of days like those and it's not nice. Recently I had a virus too which stopped me going out for a bit but at the moment I'm making progress again. As usual after not going out for a few days I found it tough going when I did venture out once more. It's getting over those again. Personally I feel especially at the start it's better to stay in the comfort zone, build up the confidence and then start to try breaking out over time.

In the past I have got to a stage where I have walked distances I never dreamed of before through patience and alot of setbacks. But please keep telling yourself it won't always be like this. You've had good days before and there will be plenty more. Don't let the setbacks get you down.

All the best


25-07-08, 16:43
thanx ....how are you 2day Nechtan.
Ive done well 2day even though feeling so panicky ....i walked round estate twice (very small estate ) and drove 2 the docs ..he was shocked 2 see me on my own ......im so tired now cant w8 just 2 go 2 bed even though I dont sleep well im just shattered..Pity i cant have a glass of wine though been told 2 stay off the vino !!!!
hope u are well

25-07-08, 17:05
thanx ....how are you 2day Nechtan.
Ive done well 2day even though feeling so panicky ....i walked round estate twice (very small estate ) and drove 2 the docs ..he was shocked 2 see me on my own ......im so tired now cant w8 just 2 go 2 bed even though I dont sleep well im just shattered..Pity i cant have a glass of wine though been told 2 stay off the vino !!!!
hope u are well

It sounds very much like you've earned that rest. Fantastic that you drove to the doctors and put in a couple of walks. I hope that has lifted your spirits as it should.

I've had a good day so far but leaving the walking for tonight. I have a good feeling about it though. The kids will be getting their dinner soon and then it's my turn to bath them so I'll wait till it's all over and they are in bed.

All the best and well done. :yesyes:


25-07-08, 21:20
Hi Titch

I just wanted to :welcome: you aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get loads of support and advice on here and meet some lovely people.