View Full Version : T-Jay here

25-07-08, 14:07
Hiya, my name is T-Jay,

I myself have suffered from severe depression since (when it was properly diagnosed!!) 2000.

I have been on my anti-depressants, such as Prozac, Seroxat, another one I can'r remember (I turned agrophobic, a cronic sleeper on that one though) and now on Citalopram.

I have just finished a course at college so that I can go to University in October. And now I am enrolled and WILL be staring in October! YAY!

I am one of the very few lucky ones that know 'just' before they fall down into the depression pit of dispair, and can get myself to the GP in time.
I know (from past experience) that if I don't then suicidal thoughts turn into suicidal attempts, hense the spacial need to be motivated enough (and that is difficult in itself as many already know) to get myself to the surgery in time.

I have been through councilling etc, which now I feel that my depression is 'just' a lack of seritonin. So in my case I don't mind having to take 30mg of citalropram as I now feel as I used to before my GCSE's! (thats 16 years ago!!!) I just liken it to a diabetic who can't produce insolin, and has to be on medication for the rest of their life. In other words, a diabetic and a depressive (can account for other mental health illnesses too) can't produce a certain chemical properly, so it needs to be created artifically.

If pills etc make you feel better, then this is the course you should take, if you prefer to talk about your problems, then this should be the route you should take to.

So, how do I finish this, well, 11 months on citalopram, I now feel motivated, I am now in charge of my own life, I do not have any suicidal tendacies at all. I do 'get down' on some things, but I feel that those times are just normal emotions. Life can't be good all of the time!

Anyhow, Hi everyone:D

25-07-08, 14:18
Hi T-Jay
Glad 2 hear you are doing well and good luck at colege in October .....i have mild depression but severe anxiety,panic attacks and now agoraphobia arghhhh x Ive been going for little walks but not very far .......have you any advice on how you got through agoraphobia as Its realy affecting my life xxx

Carry on with the positive thinking and all the best xx
Titch x

25-07-08, 14:30
But you have gone on for little walks! That's positive! You are on the way of succeeding. Praise yourslef for getting that far. That alone will boost your confidence. There are people who suffer from agrophobia that can't even do that.

I know that persivarance will come. So all I can really suggest is keep at it. Oh, and before you go out, try relaxation or try and regulate your breathing before you go out. And if you 'fail' try again.

So well done for even getting out for small walks!

25-07-08, 14:35
Thanx ..ive had 2 push myself as had very bad episode last Fri had 2 get emergency doc thought I was cracking up .I am pleased Im getting out ...they are only round my estate which is smal but at least im getting out .....just got back frm 1 and feel all shaky and trembling but will carry on everyday.x

Thanx 4 message
Take care x

25-07-08, 15:00
hi there and welcome to nmp, i hope u gets lots of great advice and support and makes lots of friends too, congrats about uni too hun thats great news and u sound quite strong and in control and its good that u know the signs for dep and can do something about it before it takes hold. hugs xxx

25-07-08, 18:33
Hello T-Jay

:welcome: to the site I am sure you will get lots of good advice and support on here.

Take care


25-07-08, 21:18
Hi T-Jay

I just wanted to :welcome: you aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will get loads of support and advice on here and meet some lovely people.

milly jones
25-07-08, 23:00
hi hun

welcome to nmp

i can identify with ur comments regarding meds. i too think that my intake will be lifelong. if that is the case im happy to do that, to give me the quality of life to control my depressive illness

love milly xx

27-07-08, 15:08
Hello T-jay And Welcome To The Site,wish Ya Well,linda

27-07-08, 21:44
Hiya :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here. You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way.
keep posting and we will help you as much as we can.

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


28-07-08, 08:45
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

28-07-08, 17:40
Hi TJay,

Welcome to the site. I'm glad you know your signs of depression and have found a way to handle them. I imagine you will be able to give some good advice.

Take care,
