View Full Version : Feel like screaming!

25-07-08, 15:11
My thoughts have gone running and I don't know how to stop them. I just feel like screaming or crying neither I can do as I am at work! I am feeling very stressed out and whilst I can recognise this is causing the anxiety I don't really no how to stop it. I don't know how to not worry about stuff and I am not sure how to release this built up feeling. I am stressed for 3 reasons I think 1) I am trying to organise a loan so that I can go to uni in September. 2) I spent the 1st night home alone in 2 1/2 years as my boyfriend had to go away, I should be feeling great about it but I think the stress of it is having an after effect 3) I haven't really felt like going out much recently and I am scared that this is a sign I am becoming more and more anxious 4) I am feeling dissociated and find it hard to believe the world around me is real. Does anyone else ever have this thought, this is the one I find the most scary! I still keep thinking this isn't me, I thought I would be totally better by now, am I ever going to be me again?

25-07-08, 17:21
Aww hun,

dont be too hard on yourself, anx is a real pain in the backside, the feeling of not feeling like yourself is perfectly normal for anyone suffering anxiety, and i remember it well, i used to call it the spaced out feeling and i remember telling my mum years ago that i felt so unreal that i may aswell go and live with bunch of strangers coz i'd feel no different. Well i can assure you that the feeling won't always stay with you, there are alot of self help books out there that can help you, dr claire weekes is one of them.

best wishes

di xx

25-07-08, 20:56
Hi Di

Thanks. I have read Claire Weekes and it did help, I think I am having a particularly bad day and then that sends me into a panic that my life is all going to fall apart!

Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow. xx