View Full Version : Blood pressure question

26-07-08, 01:33
Hi everyone do you have to take blood pressure medication because of the panic attacks and anxiety and dizziness. My blood pressure goes up but even when I take the blood pressure pills it goes up. At home my blood pressure is normal so I'm affraid to take the bp pills. Anyone have this problem?

26-07-08, 02:52
Hey Kahi
Its normal for your bp to go up when suffering from anxiety especially if you have an anxiety attack it can go up steeply even if your bp is normal. I would only take medication for controlling raised bp if your GP thinks that you actually have high bp. Mine goes up when im anxious but it is normal when im not so no need for meds.
Hope this helps

26-07-08, 03:55
Defintely dont take the meds if your BP is normal at home. Everyones BP reading change quite dramatically throughout the day and anxiety can send it soaring. If there is any question about whether you need the meds have your doc order a 24 hour BP monitor so you can see what happens with it at home etc. While I was on 4 different meds if I got anxious my BP would still go up despite the medication.

26-07-08, 07:44
Thanks yeah cause I've been on the heart monitor for three weeks and the doc wants to see me monday to talk about my palpatation and heart rate. I guess it was 153 last night but anyway I tell him about these anxiety feelings. thanks for you help:)

27-07-08, 15:04
Hello Kahi I Suffer With Exreme Stress And Anxiety And Ive Been Lucky, Went To Docs Other Day When I Thot I Was Haveing A Breakdown (stressed Out) And My Bp Was Exellent, Weird Eh.....so Im Not Sure On Anxiety Causing High Bp That Continues, But Im Not A Doctor, I Wish Ya Well,linda