View Full Version : Decaf ?

26-07-08, 11:15
Hi all

I know subject of caffeine has been thrashed out a lot already, but
I was curious if anyone has had problems with Decaf (coffee mainly, I drink decaf tea ok)

I went decaf tea recently & feel a lot better (reduced sweating too, I also have hyperhidrosis), but coffee has always been a real threat to me, ordinary coffee can trigger full blown panic attacks in me.

A popular brand of decaf coffee on their website says it is decaffeinated to 0.3%. And decaffeinated using the safest method of water filtration.

My question is, is there something specific to coffee, another ingredient that can trigger anxiety ? (apart from caffeine)

Has anyone had problems with decaf coffee and anxiety?



26-07-08, 12:30
No porblesm, but depending on how much ordinary coffee you used to drink, you will get caffeinr withdrawal for some time that feels like/can trigger anxiety

milly jones
26-07-08, 16:24
i drink kenco decaff

if i have ordinary coffee i immediately start to race.

i made the mistake of having coke the other night and couldnt wind down afterwards

for me its the caffiene

milly xx

26-07-08, 16:27
caffeine makes my heart palpitations worse so i drink decaf

27-07-08, 08:26
Decaf = decaffeinated

Yep, coke, cola, is also a huge no go for me, can give me major anxiety, border line panic.

I noticed that this brand of coffee states that it is decaffeinated to 0.3 %

so I guess at such a low level it has no effect on us.

I will give it a try

thanks for replies