View Full Version : Teetering on Madness

26-07-08, 15:28
Has anyone ever had the feeling that they are on the edge of madness? Not there yet, but teetering on the edge of it, one foot dipping into the pond and not sure if you are going to go for the full swim? I sometimes wonder if I am going mad. My symptoms are all over the map. I feel as if there must be a little man in my head deciding if he wants to push me in our not. I wonder if it would be better to jump in and get better instead of just sitting here on the edge. I cant remember the last time I had a full day where my life was normal. My husband tells me that he would take it from me for a day to see what I experience and to let me have a day to myself without any problems. Sorry to rant, these are the things that go through my head daily. :shrug:

26-07-08, 16:00
This sense of standing at the edge of the abyss of madness is a very common symptom of anxiety disorders and some phobias such as agrophobia. While degree and range of symptoms vary from one person to another, I think many of us with GAD will be able to readily identify with the feelings you are describing.

In my case, one of the things that the Xanax my doctor prescribed does for me is to help pull me back from that edge and move back toward a more balanced state of mind. The vitamin program he has on me is also built around the B vitamins, several of which are essential for mental stability.

Take heart. You are not alone, and there are treatments that can help minimize this sense of going mad over a period of time.

26-07-08, 16:11
ya i worry about goin crazy and feel like i am! it is just anxiety! x

26-07-08, 16:37
The anxiety monster is a nasty fellow rears his ugly head when we least expect it to, ive been a sufferer since last summer and have gone to hell and back with all sorts of symptoms the list is endless, so far though ive managed without meds dont know if this is a good or bad thing to do, but the way ive done it is to read up on anxiety as much as possible, keep busy ive got so many new hobbies including baking reading and card making all these things can help to take your mind off things. The latest thing im trying is relaxation cds these are brill and they really do help
Well sorry for going on and on but i hope ive been some help to you

28-07-08, 19:09
I have been getting panics for ages but recently they have changed to where I think I am going mad, they seem more physcological rather than physical at this time. I worry about losing my mind or whether I have developed some sort of dementia, i wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy I read up the symptoms page on saturday and some of the things that have been going through my mind are listed here and this thread has really helped I know I am not the only one whom feels like this.

I wish there was a fairy with a magic wand out there I tell you I would be happy with just one wish to make this all go away.

Take care everyone


milly jones
28-07-08, 20:27
i hate my anx

sometimes i feel as high as a kite and im getting better

then other times i cant even get out of bed

im sure that in the olden days i would have been locked up by now

im sure i have a form of madness, cos i cant control my mind

there is certainly some paranoia there thats irrational thoughts

milly xx